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U.S. Department of Transportation
Claude S. Brinegar, Secretary
Federal Highway Administration
Norbert T. Tiemann, Administrator
Pa y
ares OF
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Washington, ‘D.C. 20590
Public Roads is published Quarterly by the
Offices of Research and Development
Gerald D. Love, Associate Administrator
Editorial Staff
Technical Editors
C. F. Scheffey, R. C. Leathers
Fran Faulkner
Assistant Editors
Susan Bergsman, Judith Ladd
Advisory Board
J.W. Hess, R. H. Brink, C. L. Shufflebarger
Managing Editor
C. L. Potter
Public Roads, A Journal of Highway Research and
Development, is sold by the Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402, at $6.10 per year ($1.55
additional for foreign mailing) or $1.55 per single
copy. Subscriptions are available for 1-
year periods. Free distribution is limited to public
officials actually engaged in planning or
constructing highways and to instructors of
highway engineering. A limited number of
vacancies are available at present
The Secretary of Transportation has determined
that the publication of this periodical is necessary
in the transaction of the public business required
by jaw of this Department. Use of funds for printing
this periodical has been approved by the Director of
the Office of Management and Budget through
March 31, 1976
Contents of this publication may be reprinted.
Mention of source is requested.
September 1974 Vol. 38/No. 2
Artist’s concept of Los Angeles and the State of
California’s Division of Highway’s Experimental Traffic
Control Program on the Santa Monica-San Diego
Freeway. From an advertisement in the Great American
Cities Series published by Phelps Dodge Industries, Inc.
Artist: Robert A. Heindel. (Published with permission of
Phelps Dodge Industries, Inc.)
Development of a Traffic Control Systems Handbook
by Charles Pinnell, Dan Rosen, and Roy L. Wilshire .............. 41
by Woodrow J. Halstead and Edward R. Oglio................... 52
Seasonal Strength of Pavements
by George W. Ring
Bridge Rating and Analysis Structural System
by Richard L. Sharp.and Webster H: Collins 33) 22 69
Design of Open-Graded Asphalt Friction Courses
by Richard W. Smith, James M. Rice, and Stewart R. Spelman
Report on Accident Experience with Impact Attenuators—A Best Seller
by John G. Viner-and Charles M. Boyer 3. [.8 30) 78
Our Authors)... 062.000 - ep ie ce else ee en 60
Gerald D. Love Becomes Associate Administrator
for Research and Development of the Federal
Highway Administration”... 5... 5.7.4. 82) ee 49
Implementation/User Packages .............................0).5 50
New Research in Progress ....%.....2..5.50.5. 4.) 79
New Publications ..... 3. o.-026.0 0 2 7 82
Highway Research and Development Reports Available
from National Technical Information Service.................... 83
Map of Interstate and Defense Highways —
Status of System Mileage, June 1974 _Inside back cover
of a Traffic
Control Systems
by Charles Pinnell, Dan Rosen,
and Roy L. Wilshire
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
Urban mobility depends to a great
extent upon surface arterial street
systems. Traditionally, the
intersections of these urban streets —
and other access points along their
routes where heavy volumes of
conflicting traffic must be
interchanged — have been the most
critical elements of the system, and
traffic signals were usually provided at
these locations. When traffic growth
exceeded the capacity of the surface
streets, networks of urban freeways
were superimposed to (1) accom-
modate the longer through-
trips, (2) provide for moving traffic,
and (3) provide land access through
interfaces with the arterial street
Continued growth in traffic demand in
many urban areas has resulted in
traffic congestion and a decreased
level of service on both types of
facilities. As congestion occurs, an
obvious objective is to obtain
maximum use of the existing facilities
and thereby forestall expensive major
additions to, or expansion of, the
It was in this environment that many
agencies, both public and private,
began searching for ways to improve
and optimize traffic flow on urban
streets and freeways. Many ways
to achieve improved flow have been
defined, including such techniques as
one-way operation, reversible-lane
operation, extensive on-street-parking
prohibitions, proper allocation of
signal green time, and minor
regulation of influences which create
disruptions in traffic flow, such as
turning movements, truck loading,
pedestrian interference, and
restriction of access points. The
effectiveness of traffic flow
improvements possible through
implementation of these basic traffic
engineering measures has been
demonstrated time and again by
various research studies (1-4):!
Italic numbers in parentheses identify the
references on page48
As a result of developing technology,
new equipment—specifically the
digital computer— is now available
for the implementation of more
sophisticated traffic control concepts.
Components of typical systems are
shown in figure 1. Such systems have
been developed concurrently by many
agencies, consequently there are
several different control concepts and
equipment configurations.
Prospective users of these newly
developed and developing systems
must choose between concepts and
techniques of control which are
difficult, if not impossible, to
compare. Often the prospective user
lacks technical knowledge of —or is
wary of —the computers and
sophisticated communications
techniques, which further complicates
his choice.
Those familiar with modern computer
and communication technology seem
to speak a different language with a
totally foreign vocabulary. The
resulting confusion sometimes leads
to an overly Cautious approach and
may even delay an action program
which could prove advantageous.
Urban street systems
The development of traffic control
signal systems parallels the
development and use of the
automobile. The development of
traffic control signal systems
depended to a great extent on the
technology used to develop railroad
signal systems.
Interconnected signal systems were
first used in 1917 in Salt Lake City
where six intersections were manually
controlled in a single system (5). In
1922 in Houston, 12 intersections were
controlled as a simultaneous system
from a central traffic tower—the first
system to use an electric, automatic
Six years later, in 1928, a flexible-
progressive fixed-time system was
introduced. At about the same time,
traffic-actuated local controllers using
pressure detectors were initiated. The
fixed-time systems were quickly
accepted, and widespread installation
followed until they were common in
almost every city in this country. Their
success was probably due to
(1) simplicity — almost any electrician
could understand them, (2)
reliability —rugged components were
used, so with minimum maintenance
they could be installed and forgotten,
and (3) relatively low cost.
It was recognized that these fixed-time
systems had limited flexibility. They
could respond to traffic changes only
as well as their operators could predict
them and preset the systems to change
on a time-clock basis. Predicting was
difficult because of the efforts needed
for data collection. Timing changes
were avoided because of the effort
required to go to each controller and
make a change.
As a step toward advancing the state
of the art, an analog computer control
system was developed and installed
first in Denver in 1952. This system
attempted to apply some of the
concepts of actuated isolated
intersection control to signalized
networks. Sampling detectors were
used to input traffic flow data and the
system could adjust its timing on a
demand, rather than time-of-day,
In 1960, a pilot study conducted in
Toronto used a digital computer? 2 to
2An IBM 650 computer with about 2,000 words
of drurn memory —archaic by today’s standards
3The United States Government does not
endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or
manufacturers’ names appear herein solely
because they are considered essential to the
object of this report
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
Figure 1.—Computer controlled traffic systems.
perform centralized control functions
(6,7). A fortunate byproduct was the
amount of surveillance data made
available by this form of control. This
control system approach was so
encouraging that Toronto proceeded
with full-scale implementation,
placing 20 intersections on-line in
1963, expanding to about 900
intersections under computer control
IBM, encouraged by its evaluation of
the market potential, began a
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
cooperative effort in 1964 with the
city of San Jose, Calif., to further
develop a computer traffic control
system (8). An IBM 1710 computer
was used for this work. Control
concepts developed and implemented
in this project proved to be successful
in significantly reducing stops, delays,
and accidents.
Beginning in 1965, Wichita Falls, Tex.,
contracted with IBM for the delivery
of an IBM 1800 process control
computer to be used for traffic
control. City and IBM programers
then began a year-long effort to take
the basic IBM 1710 programs from San
Jose, re-code portions of them for the
1800 computer, refine certain of the
control algorithms, and develop an
operational traffic control software
package. The system was placed in
daily operation in October 1966,
controlling 56 central business district
intersections, later expanded to 78
controlled intersections. It now
controls 85 intersections using 103
Figure 2.—Control room for the
Urban Traffic Control System,
Washington, D.C.
Figure 3.— Chicago control center.
Figure 4.—Chicago ramp signals.
San Jose, shortly thereafter, changed
to the IBM 1800 computer, leading to
the installation of similar systems in
Austin, Portland, Fort Wayne, New
York City, and Garland, Tex. (now
under construction).
The U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) recognized
the significant advantage of the state
of the art represented by these early
systems, and also recognized that their
full potential was only beginning to be
realized. In 1969, FHWA’s Office of
Research began the development of
the Urban Traffic Control System
(UTCS) project in Washington, D.C.
(fig. 2) as an operational system to be
used in developing, testing, and
evaluating traffic control concepts.
The system has been planned jointly
by FHWA’s Traffic Systems Division,
the District of Columbia’s Department
of Highways and Traffic, and the
Urban Mass Transportation
Administration. The system has been
developed by Sperry Systems
Management Division (SSMD) and
now controls 112 intersections. It is
designed with sufficient flexibility and
capacity to implement and evaluate
virtually any conceivable control
Freeway systems
In urban street systems, considerable
control experience had been
developed over the years since signals
became widely used. This was not the
case for freeways. Freeways were
designed as free-flowing limited-
access facilities with little advance
consideration given to the possibility
of needing control systems. Ever-
increasing traffic demands and the
resultant congestion, however, forced
attention on methods to improve
freeway flow. Several studies were
performed to investigate ways to
improve freeway operation, of which
the works of Moskowitz (9) and Keese,
Pinnell, and McCasland (10) are
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
Figure 5.—Map display room at
traffic control center of Kanagawa
Prefectural Police Department,
The two earliest projects on freeway
control were the Eisenhower
Expressway project in Chicago (11)—
figures 3 and 4—and the John Lodge
Expressway in Detroit (72). In their
early stages, the two projects were
substantially different. The
Eisenhower Expressway project
emphasized an automatic control
system. On the other hand, the John
Lodge Fxpressway project emphasized
closed-circuit television surveillance
with intervention by human operators
during incidents of an emergency
nature. A variety of response
mechanisms were studied, such as the
closing of an entrance ramp or the
dispatching of a patrol car to the
scene of trouble.
Later, in both these and other projects
that followed, an expressway and its
entrance and exit ramps were viewed
as a tree network. If the objective is to
prevent congestion on any section of
the freeway, the system must control
the input on one or more of the input
ramps during periods of peak demand.
One possible approach to freeway
ramp control was given by
Wattleworth and Berry (13). They
considered a fixed origin-destination
matrix for all points of the network
and fixed rates of demand of entry.
Under these assumptions, plus the
tacit assumption of uniform mixing of
the traffic streams at the entry points,
maintaining the demand at all points
of the network below a critical level is
a problem in linear programing.
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
mee EE /).
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Figure 6.—Map display room at
the traffic contro! center of
Metropolitan Expressway Public
Corporation, Japan.
Another approach to freeway ramp
control proposed by Drew (14) is to
allow a car to enter a freeway only if
there is a gap in the entrance lane
large enough to accommodate it. A
fair amount of work has been done in
developing criteria and
instrumentation for determining
whether or not the observed gaps are
large enough. Other approaches are
oriented toward balancing the sizes of
queues at the entrance ramps.
Finally —under the label of corrider
control —some work is underway to
combine the surface streets and the
freeway into an integrated control
These and other similar freeway
surveillance and control systems —
such as those on the Gulf Freeway in
Houston, shown on page 41, and North
Central Expressway in Dallas—have
employed one or more of the
following elements:
w Closed circuit television visual
surveillance systems.
mw Ramp metering systems for all or
selected ramps.
m Lanecontrol/advisory signing
systems (See Detroit lane contro!
signals, page 41).
m Traffic sensors located throughout
the freeway for extensive surveillance
and control use.
gw Large map displays of the system
under control (figs. 5, 6, and 7).
From a review of the brief history of
surveillance and control systems, it is
obvious that this is a dynamic field.
Technological advances have made
tools available at reasonable costs to
virtually remove previous limitations
of hardware flexibility. As a result,
significant efforts are underway to
advance the state of the art. Some
significant developments underway
are briefly discussed in the following
Urban street systems
Urban Traffic Control System
(UTCS)—As previously discussed, this
installation in Washington, D.C., is
operational and has the capability for
implementing and testing many
potentially constructive control
concepts. Priority control concepts for
buses are included in this system.
Although first generation software is
now operational, second and third
generation software is being
developed to include real-time traffic
pattern generation and a form of
traffic prediction ability. In all of this
work, transferability of concepts,
techniques, and even programs is
stressed. As a result, first generation
software is being coded in FORTRAN
to enhance its use by others.
Foreign system development —
Development and operating
experience with computer traffic
control systems in other countries has
also progressed rapidly. Some of the
Figure 7.—The Dallas Freeway
Corridor display.
more noteworthy advances have been
made in the following cities: West
London (15-18), Central London (179),
Munich (20-22), Hamburg (23), Madrid
(24), Glasglow (25,26), Tokyo, Sapporo,
and Osaka.
NCHRP 3-18 (1)— Stanford Research
Institute has conducted a research
project entitled “Improved Control
Logic for Use with Computer
Controlled Traffic.” The project
developed an advance control
concept, strategy, and computer
program (27). It included
development of an operational
control program for calculating offset
patterns for a network of signalized
intersections that has the capability
for independent and variable split
adjustment. The project was started in
mid-1971 and was completed in late
1973. San Jose’s IBM 1800 system was
used as the development and test site.
NCHRP 3-18 (2)— The Polytechnical
Institute of Brooklyn is conducting
research on a project, “Traffic Control
in Oversaturated Street Networks.”
One of this project’s objectives is to
describe concepts of advanced traffic
control techniques for improving the
efficiency of traffic operation in
oversaturated networks.
City of Baltimore—The City of
Baltimore has been engaged for
several years in the planning and
design of a comprehensive traffic
control system. Design of the system is
now complete, a contract for
installation of the system has been
awarded, and installation of the
system is in progress. This project has
contributed and will continue to
contribute extensively to the
technology of computer controlled
signal systems, local controller design,
and application of advanced solid-
state electronic technology to the
traffic control field.
A report by Whitson, White, and
Messer (28) is of immediate interest
because it documents experiments
with new control concepts for open
networks. System operation and two-
way progression were obtained while
using multiphased actuated local
control units capable of variable
sequence phasing. The results showed
remarkable improvements in system
Freeway systems
Significant efforts are underway in the
development and implementation of
freeway surveillance and control
systems. Interest in such projects is
reflected by actions such as the
creation, in May 1970, of a Task Force
on Freeway Management by the Texas
Highway Department.4 Examples of
specific projects underway include:
4Paper presented at HRB Freeway Operations
Committee Meeting by Dale D. Marvel in Dallas,
January 1972
w North Central Expressway Corridor,
w Baltimore 1-83
w Detroit City-wide System—65
miles (104.6 km)
mw Los Angeles— incident reporting,
mobile TV, ramp metering?
mw Chicago—three freeways, 90 miles
(144.8 km)
wm Naples, Italy (29)
The FHWA published a
comprehensive survey of freeway
systems in 1973 (30), and areport on
systems for the city street in 1972 (317).
This brief review of the traffic control
field provides a background for
pinpointing the following basic
mw There is a wide range of traffic
control applications.
m New technology in the area of
computer traffic control has
developed and is still developing
m There is a broad scope of research
and development efforts in traffic
control, ranging from practical
applications to sophisticated and
theoretical studies.
> The cover of this issue illustrates some of the
concepts being employed on the Los Angeles
September 1974 @e PUBLIC ROADS
m Awide range of costs and benefits
has been calculated as indicated in
tables 1 and 2.
A brief review of the developments in
the traffic control field and an
awareness of the need to implement
effective traffic control techniques
throughout the United States showed
the necessity for a thorough study of
the state of the art in traffic control
and the preparation of acompendium
of available technology, concepts, and
practices. Such a compendium could
foster understanding and widespread
acceptance of existing and advanced
traffic control techniques, leading to
accelerated implementation and
utilization of proven advances in
traffic control system technology.
In recognition of this basic need in the
traffic control field, the Office of
Development, FHWA, has initiated a
project to develop a Traffic Control
Systems Handbook. The handbook
will document basic principles of
traffic surveillance and control system
design and provide detailed examples
and illustrations of the application of
these principles.
The handbook is intended to serve
many purposes and is designed for a
wide range of users— primarily the
practicing traffic engineer. The
handbook will also be an important
source document for consulting
engineers, educators and students, and
contractors engaged in supplying
traffic surveillance and control
The project to develop a Traffic
Control Systems Handbook is an
example of the increased emphasis on
implementation on the part of the
FHWA. The FHWA has supported
major efforts in research and
development related to the field of
traffic surveillance and control. These
efforts, along with those of other
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
Table 1.— Freeway system costs and benefits (30)
Los Angeles
Local digital-gap accept-
ance only
Local digital-full control .. .
Central digital-full control. .
of dollars
oP dept
8 260.4
annual cost
of dollars
TAnnual maintenance and operating costs estimated to be $200 per ramp.
Table 2.—City street system costs and benefits (37)
Cost per
percent reduction
Travel |,
| Delay
New York
San Jose
CBD! grid
and arterial
CBD grid and
Washington, D.C....... do
Charleston, S.C.
Fixed time
Fixed time
Fixed time
Fixed time
PR type
1CBD = Central Business District. 2Not known, 3Evaluation not complete
agencies, cities, and individuals, have
produced significant technological
developments. A major purpose of the
handbook, therefore, will be to
facilitate wide implementation of new
traffic surveillance and control
technology, decrease system
installation costs, provide some
standardization where appropriate,
reduce system operating costs, and
thoroughly document first generation
systems as a foundation for
of dollars
of dollars
encouraging continued advances in
the state of the art.
The FHWA awarded a contract for
handbook development, and an 18-
month development period was begun
in July 1973. The three major phases of
the project are (1) data collection,
(2) handbook preparation, and
(3) implementation.
The handbook will be designed to
cover the two basic system areas —
freeways and urban streets. The
coverage of freeway surveillance and
control systems will range from simple
isolated ramp metering to freeway
corridor control to an urban freeway
network. Coverage of urban street
surveillance and control systems will
range from signalized control of an
isolated intersection to computer
control of a large urban street
The data collection phase of the
project will provide for library
research, review of published reports,
and the identification of sources of
material and site locations of
pertinent traffic control projects that
are now operational or in the final
development stage. The data
collection effort will also include site
visits, contacts with practicing traffic
engineers, and the collection, analysis,
and summary of all information
pertinent to the development of the
The handbook preparation phase will
first call for the development of a
topic outline and a comprehensive
format. Once the topic outline and the
comprehensive have been selected,
the specific handbook material will be
prepared. Extensive draft review and
editing are planned to insure the
quality of the final product.
The implementation phase will
provide for the development of a
handbook implementation plan. This
plan will include such items as
training courses, workshops, and
training aids. An initial workshop will
be conducted as a test program and
the results of this activity will be
incorporated into the final
recommendation on implementation.
A method for periodically updating
the handbook will be developed. The
finished handbook plus the training
aids should provide an excellent
package of pertinent technology in
the traffic control systems field. This
package, along with a program of
implementation, should provide for
the rapid translation of research and
development efforts in traffic control
technology into practicable solutions
for traffic control problems
throughout the United States.
(1) Arthur A. Carter, Jr., “Increasing the Traffic-
Carrying Capability of Urban Arterial Streets,”
(Wisconsin Avenue Study), U.S. Department of
Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads, May 1962.
(2) Walter E. Pontier, Paul W. Miller, and Walter
H. Kraft, “Optimizing Flow on Existing Street
Networks,’” NCHRP Report 113, Highway
Research Board, 1971.
(3) James H. Kell and Barnard C. Johnson,
“Optimizing Street Operations Through Traffic
Regulations and Control,” NCHRP Report 110,
Highway Research Board, 1970.
(4) Vergil G. Stover, William G. Adkins, and John
C. Goodnight, ‘Guidelines for Medial and
Marginal Access Control on Major Roadways,”
NCHRP Report 93, Highway Research Board,
(5) Gordon M. Sessions, “Traffic Devices —
Historical Aspects Thereof,” Institute of Traffic
Engineers, 1971.
(6) Neal A. Irwin, “The Toronto Computer-
Controlled Traffic Signal System,” Traffic
Control Theory and Instrumentation, Plenum
Press, New York, 1965.
(7) L. Casciato and S. Cass, ‘Pilot Study of the
Automatic Control of Traffic Signals by a
General Purpose Electronic Computer,” HRB
Bulletin 338, 1962.
(8) “San Jose Traffic Control Study,” Initial
Report, [BM Corporation, March 1965.
(9) K. Moskowitz, “Research on Operating
Characteristics of Freeways,” Proceedings,
Institute of Traffic Engineers, 1956.
(10) C. J. Keese, Charles Pinnell, and W. R.
McCasland, ‘A Study of Freeway Operations,”
HRB Bulletin 235, 1960.
(11) A. D. May, “Experimentation with Manual
and Automatic Ramp Control,” HRB Record 59,
(12) E. F. Gervais, “Optimization of Freeway
Traffic by Ramp Control,” HRB Record 59, 1964.
(13) J. A. Wattleworth and D. S. Berry, ‘’Peak-
Period Control of a Freeway System — Some
Theoretical investigations,” HRB Record 89,
(14) Donald R. Drew, “Traffic Flow Theory and
Control,” McGraw-Hill, 1968.
(15) “West London Traffic Scheme,” Traffic
Engineering and Control, January 1966.
(16) D. A.B. Williams, “Area Traffic Control in
West London —Assessment of First Experiment,”
Traffic Engineering and Control, July 1969.
(17) R. Ham, “Area Traffic Control in West
London—Vehicle Counting Detectors,” Traffic
Engineering and Control, August 1969.
(18) R. W. H. Attwood and D. H. Brantigan,
“Computer Graphics for Area Traffic Control,”
British Computer Society, Data Fair 71,
Nottingham University, Reference 127, March
(19) K. W. Huddart and M. J. H. Chandler, ‘Area
Traffic Control for Central London,” Traffic
Engineering and Control, September 1970.
(20) Werner Bolke, “Munich’s Traffic Control
Centre,” Traffic Engineering and Control, August
(21) Gerhard Pavel, ‘Centralized Computer
Control of Traffic Signals,” Traffic Engineering
and Control, September 1967.
(22) J. A. Ferguson, ‘Developments in West
German Traffic Control,” Traffic Engineering and
Control, August 1966.
(23) Dieter Ruhnke, “Collection and Evaluation
of Traffic Volume Data for Traffic-Dependent
Selection of Signal Plans in Hamburg,” Siemens-
Review, January 1969.
(24) Antonio Valdes and Sebastian de la Rico,
“Area Traffic Control by Computer in Madrid,”
Traffic Engineering and Control, July 1970.
(25) John A. Hillier, “Glasgow’s Experiment in
Area Traffic Control,” Traffic Engineering and
Control, December 1965.
(26) John A. Hillier, “Equipment in the Glasgow
Experiment,” Traffic Engineering and Control,
February 1968.
(27) “Improved Control Logic for Use With
Computer-Controlled Traffic,” Interim Report,
NCHRP Project 3-18 (1), Highway Research
Board, July 1972.
(28) Robert H. Whitson, Byron White, and
Carroll J. Messer, “A Study of System Versus
Isolated Control As Developed on the
Mockingbird Pilot Project,” City of Dallas
Computer Traffic Control System, February 1973.
(29) Roberto Nenzi and Guido Anglisani, “Real-
time Computer System Controls the Naples
Tollway,” Traffic Engineering and Control,
February/March 1974, p. 470.
(30) Paul F. Everall, “Urban Freeway Surveillance
and Control—The State of the Art,” Federa/
Highway Administration, Revised Edition, June
(31) Charles R. Stockfisch, “Selecting Digital
Computer Signal Systems,” Federal Highway
Administration, December 1972.
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
Pcs maven ed
. 38, No. 2
Gerald D. Love Becomes
Associate Administrator for
Research and Development
of the Federal Highway
Gerald D. Love has been named
Associate Administrator for Research
and Development by Federal Highway
Administrator Norbert T. Tiemann.
Mr. Love succeeds G.W. Cleven, who
retired in December 1973. Charles F.
Scheffey, who had been serving as
Acting Associate Administrator in the
interim, will continue as Director,
Office of Research.
As Associate Administrator, Mr. Love
will be the principal advisor to the
Federal Highway Administrator on all
research and development matters as
they relate to FHWA missions,
programs, and objectives. He will be
responsible for program analysis and
control and the administration of
policy for the Offices of Research and
Mr. Love’s career with the Federal
Highway Administration began in
1957. He comes to Washington from
an assignment as Regional
Administrator for Region 5,
Homewood, Ill. Prior to that
assignment, he served as Regional
Administrator for Region 1, Delmar,
N.Y. Various other positions have
included service in the New York and
New Hampshire Division Offices and a
‘special assignment working on the
Khmer American Friendship Highway
in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In 1968,
Mr. Love was recognized by the U.S.
Department of Transportation with a
Sustained Superior Performance
He is a native of lowa and a graduate
of lowa State University where he
received both Bachelor of Science and
Master of Science degrees. He holds a
certificate from Yale University
Bureau of Highway Traffic. Mr. Love
also attended Syracuse University
and is obtaining his doctorate from
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Following his B.S. degree in 1949, he
served on active duty with the U.S.
Navy Civil Engineer Corps in the
Pacific Theater. He is presently a
captain in the Navy Civil Engineer
Corps Reserve.
Mr. Love is a registered professional
engineer in the States of New York and
lowa. He is a Fellow of the American
Society of Civil Engineers and a
member of the Institute of Traffic
He and his wife, Jan, have five
children: Laura, 21; Cynthia, 18;
Gregory, 16; Linda, 13; and Geoffrey,
9. They reside in Vienna, Va.
Implementation/ User Packages
The principal tool for implementing
research and development is the
implementation/user package which
provides “how-do-it” information to
the potential user. The package
converts research findings into
practical tools. The packaging
requirement is accomplished between
the identification and promotion
stages of implementation.
The following items are brief
descriptions of selected packages
which are actively being developed, or
have been recently completed, by
State and Federal highway units in
cooperation with the Implementation
Division, Offices of Research and
Development, Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA). Completed
packages will be available from the
Implementation Division unless
otherwise indicated. Those placed in
the National Technical Information
Service (NTIS) will be announced in
this department after an NTIS
accession number is assigned.
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Development
implementation Division, HDV-20
Washington, D.C. 20590
Packages Completed
Michigan Noise Model
by FHWA Implementation Division
The State of Michigan has recently
completed updating and expanding
the original version of the noise
prediction computer program which
was based upon NCHRP Report 117.
The original program was distributed
to all of the State highway
departments by the Federal Highway
Administration in May 1972. This
modified version incorporates the
methodology contained in the new
NCHRP Report 144. The current
implementation effort includes
conversion of the program from time-
share mode to batch mode, program
testing and evaluation, modification
of user instructions to reflect the
program conversion, and nationwide
Accident Investigation Sites
by Texas Highway Department and
Texas Transportation Institute
This report describes the Texas
Highway Department'’s efforts to
provide sites to conduct the police
accident investigation at a remote
location rather than at the accident
site. The remote accident
investigation site concept eliminates
the gaper-block phenomenon, which
persists as long as the accident, police,
and wrecker vehicles are visible to the
freeway motorist. Police officers
report that the remote accident
investigation sites improved traffic
operations and eliminated lengthy
traffic delays. The investigation site is
not moved if a fatality has occurred, if
a crime has been committed, or when
photographs or measurements are
The report describes applications,
costs, and benefits on the Gulf
Freeway in Houston and planned
additional installations. Distribution
has been made to the States and
Federal Highway Administration field
offices by the Offices of Research and
Development, where a small number
of additional copies are available on
request. Copies are also available for
$5.75 for paper copy and $1.45 for
microfiche through the National
gots ”
Vehicles moved to remote accident
investigation site—minor city street.
September 1974 @ PUBLIC ROADS
Technical Information Service, 5285
Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va.
22151 by requesting Stock No. PB
f. BTE2
a i
Directional sign indicating route to
remote accident investigation site.
The following completed packages,
announced in previous issues of
Public Roads, are available from the
Implementation Division.
Open Graded Bituminous Mixtures for
Concrete Structure Surface Coatings
Encapsulated Subgrades
Culvert Outiet Protection Program
Urban Traffic Control/Bus Priority
Systems (UTCS/BPS) Brochure
Packages in
Inductive Loop Detector Operations
by City of Los Angeles
The Department of Traffic, City of Los
Angeles, has developed a systematic
procedure for troubleshooting
malfunctioning loop detector systems.
The procedure is designed to isolate
system malfunctions and determine
their probable cause as quickly and
easily as possible, keeping
maintenance time and disruptions to
traffic to a minimum. The package,
containing a description of the
troubleshooting procedure,
discussions of loop detector operation
and loop system characteristics, and
suggestions for standard loop system
performance criteria, will provide a
practical guide for those involved with
loop system operation and
maintenance. The Federal Highway
Administration will prepare and
reproduce the Los Angeles report for
widespread distribution.
The following are completed packages which were announced in
previous issues of Public Roads and are now available from the National
Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield,
Wap eso t.
NTIS Accession
Texas Crash Cushion
Bridge Rating and
Analysis Structural
System (BRASS)
Volume |—System
Volume Il—Exam-
ple Problems
PUBLIC ROADS ¢ Vol. 38, No. 2
PB 231818
Paper Copy
$3.00 $1.45
PB 231890
PB 231891
Breakaway Barricades
by Nevada Department of Highways
Urban Traffic Control/Bus Priority
Systems (UTCS/BPS) Hardware
by FHWA Implementation Division
Aerial Drainage Survey Computer
by Wyoming State Highway
Water in Pavements
by FHWA Implementation Division
by' Woodrow J. Halstead
and Edward R. Oglio
re i Y
Under present conditions of crude oil shortages, the quantity of asphalt
available for highway construction is likely to be reduced. The extent of
reduction is still somewhat uncertain. Equally uncertain is the extent to
which the quality of the available asphalt may be affected. Some States
may be faced with the necessity of using materials from unfamiliar
crude sources or even with modifying their specifications. For this
reason, it appears that we should take a closer look at the usefulness of
the system of cataloging and identifying asphalts that was developed
under a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Research and
Development Contract in 1971. Although the system is not completely
definitive, nor foolproof, when properly employed it can provide
valuable guidelines to those faced with evaluating the effects of
specification changes or judging the acceptability of new materials. The
final report of the research is published in Report No. FHWA-RD-72-18
and is available from the National Technical Information Service (1) .2
This article reviews some of the background and findings of this work as
well as the rationale for the system. It is basically an abridgement of an
article Fingerprinting of Highway Asphalts,” published by the
Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT) (2).°
Studies of asphalt properties and
behavior have been pursued for many
years and have resulted in the
production of a large quantity of
information published in various
papers and reports. The need for
assembling, collating, and making this
information available in an efficient
manner had been recognized for some
'Based on a paper presented at the 1972 annual
meeting of the Association of Asphalt Paving
Technologists, February 14-16, Cleveland, Ohio
time. To satisfy this need, a data bank
was set up in 1965. The bank consisted
of a marginally punched set of cards
containing property data accumulated
in comprehensive surveys and studies
of practically all asphalts produced in
the United States in 1955-1956 and a
broad spectrum of the 1963-1964
production. In addition to measured
property data, the cards contain
information on refinery, source of
crude, and the general refining
procedure used in processing each
After the initial organization of the
data bank, a considerable amount of
additional data on asphalt
fundamental properties and
performance-related properties
became available. An updating and
expansion of the cards added
information which reflected the
properties of more recent asphalt
types resulting from such modern
2\talic numbers in parentheses identify the
references On page 59
3The contribution of Dr. Fritz S. Rostler and Kay
S. Rostler who prepared the major part of the text
of the AAPT article is gratefully acknowledged
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
production practices as blending of
asphalts from several crudes, and use
of combinations of refining methods.
Also, it was apparent that the
usefulness of the data would be
greatly increased by a rational,
systematized procedure for classifying
asphalts to permit locating identical
asphalts and asphalts of similar
behavior characteristics from a
specific number of property
parameters. It was envisioned that
such a system would serve to positively
identify an individual, unknown
asphalt in a manner similar to the
identification of an individual through
his fingerprints. Such a system would
make it possible to predict
performance of asphalts
independently of crude sources, or
methods of refining—as has been
necessary in the past. Consequently, a
Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA) contract to achieve these
ends was awarded in 1971 and a full
report of the work accomplished is
available from the National Technical
Information Service (7).
The cataloging system developed
contains three similar sets of chemical
and physical property parameters
designated as (1) identity parameters,
(2) fingerprint parameters, and (3)
behavior parameters. The sets differ
principally with respect to the limits of
the numerical values assigned to the
The identity parameters serve to group
asphalts that are the same in all
respects. The ranges for these
parameters are the most restrictive,
and essentially represent the
variability of the test method used in
determining an individual parameter.
The fingerprint parameters are
intended to identify asphalts that are
or were the same, but which may have
had sufficiently different histories —
overheating, storage-aging, etc. —prior
to measurement of the parameters to
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
mask their original identity. For this
reason, the fingerprint parameters are
somewhat less stringent than those
used for the identity parameters.
The behavior parameters are the least
stringent of the three sets and are
intended to compare new or unknown
asphalts with others in the bank with
respect to performance-related
characteristics. Asphalts placed in the
same group by behavior parameters
should be sufficiently similar to be
interchangeable for highway
The chemical compositional
parameters used for the identification
systems are the compositional
fractions of asphalt as obtained by the
acid-precipitation method. Past
experience has shown that this
procedure is a reliable method for
determining asphalt composition. As
is well known, compositional data are
also available from determinations
made with other analytical procedures
utilizing liquid chromatography, gas
chromatography, selective solvent
extractions, etc. Since reliable acid-
precipitation compositional data were
available on more asphalts than were
available from all other analytical
methods combined, this procedure
was considered the most useful one
for the present purposes. This does not
preclude the possibility of future work
providing a different basis for
cataloging asphalts by chemical
The data bank and the identification |
systems developed in the study can be
used for cataloging and storing
additional information and research
results as they become available.
Thus, past and current data will be
available for monitoring and
evaluating research results and as an
aid in developing realistic
specifications. Also, the system makes
it possible, as described in the report,
to predict the behavior characteristics
of new asphalts, within practical
limits, on the basis of the system
Although the identification system has
been operative for several years, its
potential usefulness is yet to be
realized. To date a relatively small
number of researchers doing work in
the asphalt field are fingerprinting the
asphalts being used in their research.
It appears, however, that present
conditions are such that greater use of
the system could provide significant
For example, by fingerprinting new
sources of materials, States could get
valuable predictive indications of its
performance. Also, since present
performance criteria are based on a
somewhat limited spread of
compositional differences in asphalts,
data on new materials should
ultimately provide a broader base for
establishing limits in specifications. It
may be possible to conclude that
present requirements could be either
broadened or made more restrictive
on the basis of performance rather
than on what is available.
The asphalt data bank consists of
individual file cards on asphalts pre-
viously studied and described in the
literature. The largest group Comprises
the penetration-graded asphalts of a
wide range of consistencies collected
in 1954-1955 and extensively studied
by the Bureau of Public Roads (BPR)
(3, 4). Another large group consists of
the viscosity-graded asphalts collected
in 1964-1965 and studied by both the
BPR and the Asphalt Institute (5, 6).
Many specimens from each group
have been included in as many as four
or five subsequent studies by various
investigators (7-13).
The card file has been set up on edge-
notched 8- by 10 1/2-inch (203- by
266.7-mm) punched cards on each of
which is printed a form designed to
accommodate the most widely
measured and most useful data on
individual asphalts. A photograph of
the card is shown in figure 1. The edge
of the card is coded so that marginal
notching makes it possible to retrieve
cards from the file by the coded
parameters identified in the frame
around the edge. The file is hand
operated, and cards are retrieved from
the file according to coded properties
and parameters by means of a sorting
needle. The sorting technique is
illustrated in figure 2. The mechanics
of searching the card file are detailed
in an instruction manual (14).4
4 Data bank cards are available for purchase
Inquiries for details should be addressed to
Chief, Materials Division (HRS-20), Office of
Research, Federal Highway Administration,
Washington, D.C. 20590
It is well known that many asphalts of
entirely different origin and chemical
composition can meet the same
specification requirements, such as
penetration, viscosity, ductility, etc.
Such data are therefore not sufficient
for establishing identity of individual
products. The three sets of parameters
were based not only on the results of
this study, but also of many preceding
studies, and represent fundamental
chemical and physical properties of
the asphalts. Limits for each
parameter are set, which determine
whether asphalt specimens compared
are identical, were probably once
identical, or merely match in
behavior. These sets of parameters —
- 2 es Se ee ee ween — a
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Figure 1.—Marginally-punched card used in data bank.
identity, fingerprint, and behavior —
are presented in table 1.
identity parameters
The selected identity parameters
establish identity of an asphalt to the
extent that two specimens having the
same numerical values (within the
limits of experimental error) for the
same parameters are definitely the
same in every respect, i.e., they are
identical. The ranges for matching
asphalts as to identity, therefore, are
essentially the limits of repeatability
of the tests being used. The corollary
from this is that two asphalts of the
same identity characteristics will
behave alike in every respect, when
used in the same manner. However,
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
Figure 2.— Data cards and sorting
this does not preclude that two
asphalts of different identity
characteristics can give the same
performance in laboratory tests or in
service on the road. It is also possible
that pavements made with the same
asphalt will behave differently
because of factors unrelated to the
Fingerprint parameters
The term fingerprints is used to depict
in one word the type of
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
Table 1.— The three sets of parameters
Measured characteristics
Composition of asphalt
Nitrogen bases (N)
First acidaffins (A 4)
Second acidaffins (A2) ....
Paraffins (P)
Ratio, (N+A 4)/(P+A )
Ratio, N/P
Wax, 1 percent
Range of results for matching!
Identity Fingerprints | Behavior
Refractive index, fractionP .........
Logarithm of asphalt viscosity in
poises at 140° F (60° C)
Penetration, 77° F (25° C), 100g,
Logarithm of maltenes viscosity:
AUF 2 E2520)
Calo Sala lel 3.5 O1Cs) a aan
Molecular weight of asphalt-
At 140° F (60° C) dOne:
centistokes. .
percent ..
Weight loss in Thin Film Oven
Pellet abrasion loss, average of unaged
and 7-day aged... mg/revolution. .
When the test results agree within the range indicated, the asphalts are considered to
match for the characteristic.
2Five to nine groups sometimes with different ranges and with some overlapping estab-
lished. See original report (7) for details.
3Separated into two groups; 1.0 or less and greater than 1.0.
characterization. The fingerprints of
an asphalt are the parameters which
detect resemblance of specimens
closely enough to classify them as
originally identical. Fingerprints differ
from the identity parameters
principally in that some of the limits
of the numerical values are less
restrictive, to allow for changes which
may have occurred in storage, shelf
aging, or manipulation of specimens,
e.g., heating for the withdrawal of
samples for test. The property most
affected by shelf aging or other
manipulation is consistency as
measured by either penetration or
viscosity. Under the same conditions,
asphalts matching in fingerprints may
not behave identically in all respects,
but their behavior should be similar.
Behavior parameters
Behavior parameters are concerned
only with performance of an asphalt.
Asphalts need not be identical, or ever
have been identical, to give an
equivalent performance in service and
in laboratory performance tests. In
establishing the behavior parameter
only those characteristics are included
that have been shown to influence
properties of the asphalt related to its
performance. For most of the
characteristics the full ranges of
expected values were broken into
groups that overlapped. Consequently,
a given asphalt may be at the high end
of one grouping and the low end of
another. Thus, in its present state of
development, use of this system
requires some degree of subjective
judgment. Despite these
shortcomings, it is this set of
parameters that could be of greatest
benefit under the present
circumstances—where States may be
required to use asphalts from new or
unfamiliar sources. Generation of the
needed test data on new asphalts to
compare with asphalts of known
performance should be very useful to
anyone faced with the necessity of
evaluating the risks in using untried
Details of the rationale underlying
selection of the specific parameters
and limits for each of the
characterizing systems are given in the
full report and will not be repeated
here. However, a discussion of the
basic test data employed and the
rationale for its selection is
summarized briefly.
Chemical composition. The method of
expressing Composition is the acid
precipitation method in which the
constituents are grouped as follows:
A —asphaltenes (the portion insoluble
in pentane)
N—nitrogen bases (the portion that
reacts with 85 percent sulfuric acid)
A1—first acidaffins (the portion that
reacts with 98 percent sulfuric acid)
A?—second acidaffins (the portion
that reacts with fuming sulfuric acid)
P—paraffins (the unreactive portion —
saturated hydrocarbons)
In developing the parameters the ratio
of the more reactive constituents,
N+A1, to the least reactive
constituents, P+ A2, is considered a
key factor relating to the durability of
the asphalt. The ratio, N/P, has also
been introduced as a factor in the
behavior system.
Wax content is an additional measure
of composition, defining those
individual components having
crystalline structure. This additional
characteristic is particularly useful in
defining the nature of the two
components A? and P.
The refractive index of fraction P
identifies the paraffins by the
chemical structure and is specific for
the three types of paraffinic
hydrocarbons, cycloparaffins
(naphthenes), isoparaffins (branched),
and straight chain hydrocarbons (15,
16). The refractive index of the
paraffins fraction has been chosen as
an accurately reproducible value
definitive for an asphalt and its
Asphalt viscosity at 140° F (60° C) has
been chosen as an identifying
characteristic as asphalt behavior is
influenced not only by chemical
reactivity of the components but also
by consistency.
Penetration at 77° F (25° C) has been
used as an additional measure of
consistency, both because it is
descriptive of consistency at this
temperature and because grading
asphalts by penetration has long been
in use, and is thus a characteristic with
which all asphalt technologists are
familiar. The combination of
penetration at 77° F (25° C) and
viscosity at 140° F (60° C) provides a
good description of asphalt
consistency, and the interrelation of
the‘two is an innate characteristic of
an asphalt.
Viscosity of the maltenes at the three
temperatures —77° F (25° C), 140° F
(60° C), and 275° F (135° C)—is a very
specific characteristic of this portion
of the asphalt. Maltenes viscosity is a
useful identifying characteristic
largely because of the prevalence of a
multitude of asphalts with similar
penetrations and asphalt viscosities.
The 85 to 100 penetration asphalts
included in this study, for instance,
differed at 77° F (25° C) less than
sevenfold in asphalt viscosity, while
their maltenes viscosities varied over
four hundredfold from the lowest
value of 300 poises to the highest
value of 130,000 poises.
Molecular weight is an indigenous
property of the asphaltene fraction.
Even though not found to exert any
great influence on asphalt behavior,
molecular weight of the asphaltenes is
an identifying numerical value which
assists in defining an asphalt.
Weight loss is an important
characteristic of acommercial asphalt
in the same sense as is the solids
content of an emulsion or a cutback
asphalt, and determines the
proportion of the material which will
evaporate during mixture processing
and will not remain to serve as binder
in the asphalt pavement. The test
result, however, is influenced by the
gain in weight due to oxidation of the
asphalt. Hence, the reported test result
may not always equal the actual
amount of volatile matter lost.
The pellet abrasion test has been used
to detect abnormal behavior of an
asphalt caused by use of additives. A
rubberized asphalt, for instance, often
shows much better abrasion resistance
than an unmodified asphalt of the
same composition, as determined by
the fractional analysis. This
performance test has therefore been
included specifically to detect the
presence of an additive which might
result in higher abrasion resistance
than predicted from the fractional
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
The requirements are different for
fingerprinting an asphalt than for
establishing identity. The
fingerprinting parameters are intended
only to establish that specimens
analyzed have sufficient features in
common to have originally been
identical, even though they may have
undergone minor changes as a result
of shelf aging or other past history.
The property most affected in shelf
aging and during heating for
liquefying samples is consistency.
Limits for permissible differences in
penetration and asphalt viscosity are
therefore broader than those used in
establishing identity.
Minor changes during aging also occur
in composition as measured by the
fractional analysis. The limits set for
fingerprinting take into account these
expected changes in composition.
The properties least affected by shelf
aging are the refractive index of the
paraffins fraction and maltenes
viscosity. Limits for these two
parameters have therefore been set to
be nearly the same as for identity. It
was an important finding that, while
asphalt consistency can change
considerably during storage, maltenes
viscosity changes very little.
Consequently, maltenes viscosity was
chosen as a significant fingerprint
parameter. Data are presented in the
original report illustrating this fact.
The changes in chemical composition
which can occur with shelf aging were
also demonstrated. Paraffins (P)
content remained virtually
unchanged. A moderate increase was
found in asphaltenes (A) and a
moderate change occurred in second
acidaffins (A2). Considerably greater
changes occurred in the most reactive
maltenes fractions, the nitrogen bases
(N) and the first acidaffins (A). Data
reflecting these changes in a great
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
number of specimens retained in
storage served to establish the limits
set up for composition parameters for
the fingerprinting system.
The behavior parameters were
developed by establishing five to nine
overlapping groups, sometimes with
different ranges, for most of the
parameters. The special grouping and
details concerning each parameter are
given in the full report. Briefly, the
major considerations in selecting the
behavior parameters are as follows:
Composition parameters
The exact amounts of specific
chemical components, although
important for identification purposes,
are relatively unimportant in
determining behavior of asphalts.
Most important is the combined effect
of the two more reactive components
(N, A4) to the two less reactive
components (P, A2) in the maltenes as
expressed by the parameter
(N+A1)/(P+A2). In a number of
previous studies this parameter has
been shown to be a decisive factor in
embrittlement of asphalts upon aging,
as measured by the pellet abrasion test
and in field performance (7, 8, 11, 17,
18-20). A South African study reported
by Jamieson and Hattingh (20) is of
particular significance, since it verifies
the general validity of the parameter
for asphalt currently used in that .
country. These asphalts had not been
investigated when the parameter was
The contract study demonstrated that
the introduction of the parameter N/P,
which is the ratio of the most reactive
component of the maltenes to the
least reactive one, increases accuracy
in predicting asphalt behavior. For
most commercial asphalts the two
parameters run parallel. If, however,
either N or P is unusually high,
behavior will not follow the pattern
predicted from the ratio
(N+A)/(P+A2). This second
parameter (N/P) has therefore been
introduced as an additional behavior
parameter based on chemical
composition. The significance of this
parameter has been examined by an
analysis of data on more than two
hundred asphalts in the data bank.
The wax in the asphalt was shown in
the study to be related to the type of
asphalt behavior measured by low
temperature ductility tests. However,
sufficient data have not yet been
obtained to assure that the suggested
limit of +1 percent is of general
validity. Additional data are needed to
establish exact limits.
A +5 percent limit for the asphaltenes
content is used as a behavior
parameter and represents a
broadening over the fingerprinting
parameter taking into account that
asphaltenes content, although not
itself a critical factor in performance,
has an effect on viscosity as a bodying
agent. Asphaltenes content is thus by
implication a rough indication of
maltenes viscosity and is useful for
characterizing asphalt when maltenes
viscosity data are lacking.
Two consistency parameters have
been used—viscosity at 140° F (60° C)
and penetration at 77° F (25° C). It is
well established that products within
the same 140° F (60° C) viscosity
grade are more similar in flow
characteristics during construction
than products of the same 77° F (25°
C) penetration grade. Accordingly, the
characterization of an asphalt as
belonging to one (or in some instances
two) of nine viscosity groups at 140° F
(60° C) is the primary identification of
the asphalt by consistency ina
manner similar to that used in
specifications for viscosity graded
asphalts. Grouping of asphalts in nine
77° F (25° C) penetration groups
provides a measure of consistency at
ambient temperatures to supplement
the viscosity at high service
temperatures provided by the 140° F
(60° C) viscosity. The use of both
parameters together provides
information regarding the temperature
susceptibility of the asphalt. Some
overlapping of the groups for both
viscosity and penetration now exists
because of the uncertainties in the
borderline regions.
Maltenes viscosity
Maltenes viscosity at the two
temperatures —77° F (25° C) and 140°
F (60° C)—has been shown to have a
considerable bearing on performance.
The value for viscosity at 275° F (135°
C) has not been included since there is
too little difference in 275° F (135° C)
viscosity among various maltenes to
justify use as a parameter. Viscosity at
77°F (25% Gpandiate 40a (60a eicor
the maltenes fraction of an asphalt in
a given consistency range is the
primary factor regulating the amount
of asphaltenes needed in an asphalt as
a bodying agent.
Thin Film Oven Test
The weight loss in the Thin Film Oven
Test (expressed as 71 percent or less
and greater than 1 percent) was a
useful characteristic for detecting an
asphalt of poorer performance than
that predictable from its composition
parameters (7). One percent is the
limit frequently used in specifications.
When loss exceeds this amount,
abnormal hardening is likely to occur.
Pellet abrasion
Abrasion test results are included in
the behavior characteristics for the
Same reason given for inclusion of this
parameter among the fingerprint and
identity parameters. If the
performance of an asphalt in the
pellet abrasion tests is better than
predicted from the maltenes
composition parameters, the asphalt
should be suspected of containing an
additive such as rubber.
To determine whether the
characterizing system and its
respective parameters were operative,
a total of 11 asphalt specimens were
supplied to the contractor as
unknowns for characterization and
Seven of the unknown asphalts were
taken from storage containers that had
been stocked from 3 to 13 years. Two
of these seven unknowns had never
been logged into the data bank. Three
had been tested and logged into the
bank, under their actual code
numbers, prior to storage. Two were
originally the same asphalts but had
been stored in separate containers.
The other four unknowns were blends
of other asphalts in the data bank.
All data needed to compare the
unknowns with themselves and with
asphalts in the data bank were
measured and are reported in the full
report. The report also gives details of
the sequential sorting procedures used
to identify the unknowns.
In general, the contractor's search
(sorting) was carried out by
eliminating non-matching asphalts
successively by each parameter. None
of the asphalts in the data bank
matched the unknowns with respect
to all parameters in the jdentity series.
The changes in composition and
consistency were large enough to
indicate that they could no longer be
considered identical to the original
asphalts as judged by the data in the
A comparison of the asphalts by
fingerprint parameters correctly
matched the five unknowns to their
counterparts in the data bank —
including the two unknowns that were
the same asphalt —correctly
concluded that unknown 2 was not in
the bank; and indicated that unknown
3 (which had never been logged)
might be similar to three asphalts
already in the bank. However, this
similarity was not considered
conclusive since some parameter data
were lacking on the three data bank
The remaining four unknowns (the
blends) were newer asphalts which
had been logged into the data bank
and had been in storage for a
comparatively short length of time
(approximately 1 1/2 years). A run-
through of the data bank using the
identity parameters resulted in a
correct identification of each.
The validity of the behavior
parameters was checked by
comparing three pairs of asphalts with
respect to behavior parameters and to
performance-related laboratory tests
such as ductility and penetration at
low temperatures, abrasion loss,
temperature susceptibility, etc.
As indicated previously, the purpose
of the behavior parameters is to
identify or group those asphalts that
can be expected to perform alike in
service, within the limits of normal
experience and expectations. Asphalts
that match in identity parameters will
be alike in all respects, but others
differing in one or more identity
characteristics may match in overall
behavior. It is shown in the report that
the three pairs of asphalts matching in
behavior parameters also matched in
the performance-related laboratory
tests. Other data provided in the that the pairs were not
identical asphalts, since they did not
match in chemical composition and
other chemical indexes.
The work performed in the study was
primarily to create a frame to catalog
available information with provisions
for incorporating future data anda
means for predicting performance of
asphalts from numerical values
measured on specimens of asphalt
cements. Those objectives were
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
Se ea
A data bank has been set up which
constitutes a reference file, making a
store of information on known and
well defined asphalts easily available
to future investigators. The full
potential of this file will have to be
developed through use and through
expansion of the file to include future
research results on additional
Based on extensive study of the
information in the data bank, criteria
have been set up in the form of
parameters for (1) determining
identity of an asphalt,
(2) fingerprinting, and (3) predicting
There are many utilitarian
applications besides research
purposes for matching or identifying
asphalts by the three sets of
parameters. A rather prosaic
application might be to determine
whether two lots of asphalt delivered
to ajob, and supposed to be the same
asphalt, are, in fact, the same. The’
identity parameters will answer this
question. Behavior parameters could
determine whether a second lot of
material, even though not the same
asphalt, could be expected to give the
same performance. The fingerprints
will tell whether or not the asphalt was
once the same, but altered by
Another application for identifying by
the system is in correlating and
monitoring research results. If an
asphalt or asphalts used in one study
can be shown to be identical, or to
have once been identical, to asphalts
used in another study, results can
legitimately be combined and their
usefulness enlarged. Conversely, if
asphalts in one study are not the same
as in another, only limited
comparisons can be made. The data
bank can also be used by researchers
to select asphalts for specific studies.
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
Finally, it was demonstrated that
asphalts matching in the selected
behavior characteristics are
equivalent for practical purposes as
measured by tests related to
performance. Under present
circumstances if new asphalts or
asphalts not normally used by a State
can be shown to match in behavior
parameters with asphalts of proven
performance records, such new
materials could be used with much
greater confidence. Differences in
performance might also be explained
and predicted from differences in the
numerical values of the parameters.
(1) F.S. Rostler and K.S. Rostler, “Fingerprinting
of Highway Asphalts—A Method for Cataloging
and Identifying Highway Asphalts,” Final Re-
port, FHWA-RD-72-18, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration,
November 1971, available (Stock No. PB210058)
from the National Technical Information Service,
5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22151.
(2) F.S. Rostler, K.S. Rostler, W.J. Halstead, and
E.R. Oglio, “Fingerprinting of Highway Asphalts,”
Asphalt Paving Technology, vol. 41, 1972.
(3) |. Y. Welborn and W.J. Halstead, “Properties of
Highway Asphalts—Part |, 85-100 Penetration
Grade,” Proceedings, Association of Asphalt
Paving Technologists (AAPT), vol. 28, January
(4) |.Y. Welborn, W.J. Halstead, and J.G. Boone,
“Properties of Highway Asphalts—Part I, Various
Grades,” Proceedings, AAPT, vol. 29, January
(5) J.Y. Welborn, E.R. Oglio, and J.A. Zenewitz,
“Viscosity-Graded Asphalt Cements,” Public
Roads, vol. 34, No. 2, June 1966, pp. 30-42, and
Proceedings, AAPT, vol. 35, February 1966.
(6) V.P. Puzinauskas, “Evaluation of Properties of
Asphalt Cements with Emphasis on Consistencies
at Low Temperatures,” Proceedings, AAPT,
vol. 36, February 1967
(7) F.S. Rostler and R.M. White, “Composition and
Changes in Composition of Highway Asphalts, 85-
100 Penetration Grade,” Proceedings, AAPT, vol.
31, January 1962.
(8) W.J. Halstead, F.S. Rostler, and R.M. White, -
“Properties of Highway Asphalts—Part III,
Influence of Chemical Composition,” Public
Roads, vol. 34, No. 2, June 1966, pp. 17-29, and
Proceedings, AAPT, vol. 35, February 1966.
(9) J. Skog, “Setting and Durability Studies on
Paving Grade Asphalts,” Proceedings, AAPT,
vol. 36, February 1967
(10) A.W. Sisko and L.C. Brunstrum, “The
Rheological Properties of Asphalts in Relation to
Durability and Pavement Performance,”
Proceedings, AAPT, vol. 37, February 1968.
(11) B.A. Vallerga, R.M. White, and K.S. Rostler,
“Changes in Fundamental Properties of Asphalts
During Service in Pavements,” Final Report,
Contract No. FH-11-6147, Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Bureau of Public Roads,
January 1970.
(12) R.J. Schmidt and L.E. Santucci, “A Practical
Method for Determining the Glass Transition
Temperature of Asphalts and Calculation of Their
low Temperature Viscosities,” Proceedings,
AAPT, vol. 35, February 1966
(13) F. Moavenzadeh, “Asphalt Fracture,”
Proceedings, AAPT, vol. 36, February 1967
(14) “Instruction Manual for Use of the Asphalt
Punch Card File Revised 1971,” Originally
prepared by Materials Research and
Development, Inc., under contract FH-11-7 188, for
the Bureau of Public Roads, Federal Highway
Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, November 1971
(15) F.S. Rostler and R.M. White, “Determination
of Hydrocarbon Type of Petroleum Products,”
Rubber Age 70, March 1952
(16) ASTM Designation D 2006—70, “Standard
Method of Test for Characteristic Groups in
Rubber Extender and Processing Oils by the
Precipitation Method,” 1970 Annual Book of
ASTM Standards, Part 28, Rubber; Carbon Black;
Gaskets, American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia, Pa
(17) R.M. White, W.R. Mitten, and J.B. Skog,
“Fractional Components of Asphalts —
Compatibility and Interchangeability of Fractions
Produced from Different Asphalts,” Proceedings,
AAPT, vol. 39, February 1970
(18) —. Zube and J. Skog, “Final Report on the
Zaca-Wigmore Asphalt Test Road,” and
discussion by R.M. White, Proceedings, AAPT,
vol. 38, February 1969
(19) W.J. Gotolski, S.K. Ciesielski, and L.N. Heagy,
“Progress Report on Changing Asphalt Properties
of In-Service Pavements in Pennsylvania,” and
discussion by R.M. White, Proceedings, AAPT,
vol. 33, February 1964
(20) I.L. Jamieson and M.M. Hattingh, “The
Correlation of Chemical and Physical Properties
of Bitumens with Their Road Performance,”
(Paper No. 659), Proceedings, Australian Road
Research Board, vol. 5, Part 5, Ramsay, Ware
Publishing Pty. Ltd., North Melbourne, 1970
Our Authors
Charles Pinnell is President of Pinnell-
Anderson-Wilshire Associates, Inc.,
Dallas, Tex. He has an extensive
background in traffic and
transportation research and
development and has authored
numerous technical articles and
reports. Prior to entering the
consulting field, Dr. Pinnell held
positions with the Texas Highway
Department and Texas Transportation
Institute and was a senior faculty
member of Texas A&M University.
Dan Rosen is a highway engineer in
the Implementation Division, Office
of Development, Federal Highway
Administration. He manages
development efforts in the traffic
engineering area and is the FHWA
contract manager for the Traffic
Control Systems Handbook. Prior to
joining the Implementation Division,
Mr. Rosen was with the Traffic
Systems Division, Office of Research.
He is a graduate of the FHWA training
Roy L. Wilshire is Executive Vice
President, Pinnell-Anderson-Wilshire
, Dallas, Tex. For 5
years Mr. Wilshire was Director of
Traffic and Planning for the city of
Wichita Falls, Tex., where he
developed and implemented one of
the pioneering efforts in the United
States for the control of traffic signals
by a digital computer
Associates, Inc
Woodrow J. Halstead is Chief of the
Materials Division in the Office of
Research. He was first employed by
the Bureau of Public Roads in 1935
and, with the exception of 2 years in
the Navy during World War II, has
spent his entire career with the Federal
Highway Administration in the field of
research on highway materials and the
development of test methods. He has
been active in national technical
groups concerned with asphalt testing
and research such as the Association
of Asphalt Paving Technologists,
Transportation Research Board, and
the American Society for Testing and
Edward R. Oglio, now retired, is one of
the country’s leading asphalt
technologists. He was employed as a
highway research engineer by the
Federal Highway Administration from
1957 until his retirement in July 1973.
Earlier he spent 21 years at the
National Bureau of Standards, where
he was supervisor of their asphalt
testing laboratory at the time of his
George W. Ring is a highway research
engineer in the Structures and Applied
Mechanics Division, Office of
Research. Since he came to the
Federal Highway Administration in
1956, his work has included research
in the fields of structural design of
pavements, soil mechanics, and the
structural design of pipe culverts. He
has recently participated in a series of
workshops across the country on
“Water in Pavements,” conducted
jointly by the FHWA Offices of
Research, Development, Engineering,
and Highway Operations.
Richard L. Sharp is the Director of the
Bridge Division in FHWA Region 8,
Denver, Colo. He was the contract
manager for the FHWA administrative
R&D contract with the Wyoming
Highway Department on the
development of the Bridge Rating and
Analysis Structural System. Mr. Sharp
is currently serving as the contract
manager for the BRASS Maintenance
Service contract. He has a broad
background in the design and
construction of highway bridges.
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
Webster H. Collins, highway engineer
in the Implementation Division,
Office of Development, is the senior
implementation manager in the area
of structural engineering. He is
involved with translating structural
research findings, including traffic
barrier systems, into operational use.
He is experienced in the area of
structural design and has a broad
background in the development of
highway engineering computer
application programs.
Richard W. Smith is a highway
research engineer in the Materials
Division, Office of Research, Federal
Highway Administration. His research
background and experience on
bituminous and portland cement
concrete materials have led him to his
present position where he is
responsible for the administration of a
number of research activities in the
skid accident reduction area.
James M. Rice has been a research
engineer in the Materials Division,
Office of Research, Federal Highway
Administration, since 1962. His career
in the asphalt paving field spans over
25 years and includes employment
with the National Crushed Stone
Association and the Natural Rubber
Bureau. His current research efforts
are directed toward the mechanical
properties of asphalt paving mixtures
and the skid resistance and wear
resistance of pavement surfaces.
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
Stewart R. Spelman is a highway
research engineer in the Materials
Division, Office of Research, Federal
Highway Administration. He has
extensive experience in research on
design of bituminous paving mixtures
and is responsible for conducting and
coordinating research in this area
under the Federally Coordinated
Program for Research and
Development. He is an active member
of ASTM, being involved in work
related to test methods for bituminous
John G. Viner has been the Chief of
the Protective Systems Group,
Structures and Applied Mechanics
Division, Federal Highway
Administration, since September 1970.
For the past 10 years he has been
engaged in research, having been
associated with the development of
impact attenuators since 1967, and
prior to that having conducted
structural vibration research for the
Naval Ship Research and
Development Center.
Charles M. Boyer is a bridge engineer
in the Bridge Division, Office of
Engineering, Federal Highway
Administration, where he has been
involved with bridge design since
1958. From 1967 until June 1973 he
was a structural research engineer in
the Structures and Applied Mechanics
Division, Office of Research, where he
worked on bridge design details and
impact attenuator research.
To minimize seasonal fluctuatioris in
the support capacity of pavements
due to frost action, methods used to
date include insulation of the
subgrade, use of mechanical or
chemical soil modifiers, replacement
of frost susceptible soils, and control
of water through drainage measures.
The problem is presented and various
solutions are discussed, with emphasis
on improved drainage. The author
suggests using insulated underdrains
for removing water in the pavement
structure during the period when some
of the subgrade remains frozen.
Seasonal Strength
of Pavements
by ' George W. Ring
Highway engineers have recognized
since Taber’s experiments in 1929 (1)?
that increased pavement roughness
can be caused by the formation and
growth of ice lenses in foundation
soils and pavement layers. Subsequent
research and field experience have not
only validated Taber’s explanation of
this phenomenon, but have shown
that there is a considerable loss of
pavement strength when the ice
thaws. Many other factors related to
cold temperatures contribute to
weakening of pavement elements.
Some of these factors are:
m Increased moisture content caused
by reduced evaporation during the
m Increased moisture content caused
by migration of water to the cold
m® Decreased density of the soil-water
system associated with increased
moisture content. (Actual soil density
may increase due to dehydration
during freezing.)
= Temporary inhomogeneity of clay
soils and water caused by the
'Presented at the Symposium on Frost Action on
Roads held at the Norwegian Road Research
Laboratory, Oslo, Norway, October 1-3, 1973
“Italic numbers in parentheses identify the
reterences on page 68
formation of ice lenses in the soil-
water system.
Many of the factors causing weakened
subgrades also apply to soil-aggregate
base courses and subbase courses,
especially when they contain even
small amounts of material finer than
No. 200 sieve (0.074 mm). Other
factors important to the strength loss
of pavements in freezing
environments are:
m= Water trapped in the top of a
pavement structure when thawing of
the ice progresses downward from the
pavement surface.
@ Reduced intergranular friction in
granular base courses resulting from
pore pressures generated by daily
thermal expansion of air due to solar
heating in partially saturated materials
w Lessened strain tolerance of
chilled asphaltic concrete (AC)
surface courses, although not
necessarily a strength loss (the AC may
actually be stronger), results in
lessened ability of the surface to
accommodate base course
During a temporary loss in support, a
few heavy loads can greatly shorten
the service life of a pavement. About
25 States make allowance for frost in
their pavement design or take special
steps to reduce the frost susceptibility
of subgrade materials (3).
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
Figure 1.—Seasonal subsurface
conditions, loop 1 (4).
Increases in subgrade moisture during
the winter are a primary reason for the
increased deflections and reduced
load capacity during the spring. Field
moisture measurements of silty clay
subgrade at the 1958-1960 American
Association of State Highway Officials
(AASHO) Road Test shows a cyclic
seasonal fluctuation of as much as
2 percent moisture content (fig. 1). As
shown in figure 2, this 2 percent
subgrade moisture variation can result
in areduced strength (CBR) of from 50
to 100 percent.
Subgrade density
Density of the AASHO Road Test
embankment soil was about 3 lbs/ft?
(48.3 kg/m?) less during the spring
thaw period. This reduction in density
from the fall value can be attributed
partly to the increase in moisture and
partly to the expansion of water on
freezing. Although the change in
density is small, it can account for a
decrease in the strength of the
subgrade from a CBR of 60 to a CBR of
48 at 10 percent moisture, as shown in
figure 2.
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
Similar reductions in strength caused
by changes in density and moisture
were also reported for the subbase and
base course at the AASHO Road Test
Entrapment of melt water over frozen
Melt water trapped in the pavement
structure can Create a very Critical
condition. This has been briefly
mentioned in the literature, but very
little data has been accumulated.
Studies made at the Bureau of Public
Roads, now Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), Test Track at
Hybla Valley, Va., show that
expansion of air in the air-water
Figure 2.—CBR tests on subgrade soil (5).
Lee a. oS
Se eee
NEE are
CC ere
eed 6&A-7 SOILS
Figure 3.—Seasonal changes in
bearing capacity (6).
system of partially saturated
pavements undergoing daily warming
cycles can generate pore pressures
which reduce inter-granular friction of
granular base courses (2). As a result,
pavement strength may be greatly
reduced during the warming cycle
until early afternoon. Conversely,
there is a strength gain when the
pavement cools later in the evening.
Although this phenomenon is not
directly related to frost action, it can
occur during the thaw period when
water content in the pavement
structure is high.
Detection and measurement of
seasonal strength loss in pavements
has been accomplished primarily
through static or nearly static bearing
tests on the subgrade through holes
cut in the pavement surface. A few
static bearing tests have been
conducted on the pavement surface.
Plate bearing (sometimes repeated),
CBR, and the North Dakota Cone have
been used extensively to measure
subgrade strength (or weakness)
during the thaw period. In the
Northern States, spring subgrade
strengths have been measured from 30
to 100 percent of the fall bearing
value, with 55 to 80 percent reported
most often. Typical plots of seasonal
subgrade strength as measured by
plate bearing are shown in figure 3.
Fewer studies have been made on the
seasonal strength of the entire
pavement system. Those which have
been conducted have been primarily
with plate bearing and the Benkleman
Beam testing techniques. Linell (7)
reports that the bearing capacity of
pavement systems is constantly
changing through the seasons of the
year. Based on evaluations from both
deflection measurements and
performance observations, flexible
pavements have only one-third of the
strength exhibited during the fall
season, while rigid pavements often
retain two-thirds of their fall strength.
Linell attributed the greater strength
retention of rigid pavements to their
lesser dependency on the subgrade for
Small scale laboratory strength tests
have been conducted on undisturbed
samples of the subgrade and on
samples remolded to duplicate the
subgrade moisture and density
conditions found under weakened
pavements. These tests confirm both
the large changes in strength which
occur as aresult of small changes in
moisture and density, and those large
changes in strength that occur during
Although increased deflection is well
documented, few corollary studies of
actual pavement performance in
terms of roughness and cracking
associated with seasonal strength loss
have been made. Recent promising
developments in dynamic methods for
rating pavements, such as the Road
Rater and the Dynaflect* have had
only limited application in the study
of seasonal strength of pavements.
The most comprehensive study using
dynamic methods to evaluate frost
effects on the seasonal strength of
pavements was conducted in Illinois
and Minnesota during the winter of
1968-69. Conclusions from this study
indicated that the Dynaflect was
better suited for detecting seasonal
changes than the Benkleman Beam,
plate bearing, and a curvature meter
test (8).
It should be anticipated that with
dynamic devices much more can be
learned in the future about the
seasonal and daily changes in the
strength of pavement systems. There is
very little literature on critical strength
condition measurements over 24-hour
3The United States Government does not
endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or
manufacturers’ names appear herein solely
because they are considered essential to the
object of this report
September 1974 @ PUBLIC ROADS
Where existing roads are weakened by
spring thaw and reconstruction funds
are limited, some States reduce the
maximum allowable axle load during
the thaw period. Because this
restriction is difficult to enforce, many
States have strengthened their
pavements on major routes so that no
restriction is needed. However,
strengthening existing pavements
results in over-strength pavements for
a large part of the year. As aresult,a
large part of the additional investment
is used only during the spring thaw.
It is usually more economical to
design and construct pavements
initially so that seasonal strength
changes are minimized. Methods used
to date include:
@ Insulation of the subgrade.
m Chemical additives to reduce frost
m Excavation of frost susceptible
materials and replacement with non-
frost susceptible materials.
= Control of water through drainage.
Insulation of the subgrade
Studies have shown that granular
materials are poorer insulators than
other soil-aggregate materials (9). In
experimental installations designed to
insulate frost susceptible subgrades,
many States have placed layers of
expanded plastic foam between the
subgrade and overlying granular layers
of subbase. Where drainage is
adequate, the plastic foam is effective
in limiting frost penetration. For
example, during the winter in Ontario,
Canada, with a freezing index of 2,600
degree days, 2 inches (50.8 mm) of
foamed plastic reduced frost
penetration from 5.41 ft (1.65 m) in
uninsulated conditions to only 2.5 ft
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
Table 1.— Evaluation of additives as frost modifiers!
Additive Required |
Evaluation as
sett st ccsel
per pound [
| Field use
per kg frost modifier
Percent Dollars
Void pluggers and cement
in situ polymerization >5
(calcium acrylate)
> 0.50
Difficult to con-
trol polymeri-
> 0.23
Resins 0.01—0.15
Portland cement 20.01—0.02
30. 06—0.12
Natural fines
Polymers 0.12— 1.00
0.004—0.07. Other than cure
no special
0.004—0.01 No special prob- Interesting to
0.03—0.05 lems oor
0.00—0.01 Probably unusual Interesting
mixing and
0.05—0.45 Moderate mixing Interesting to
and processing poor
problems ex-
Cations 0.02 and up
Dispersants 0.05— 1.00
Waterproofers 0.25—2.00
TAfter Lambe (117)
(0.76 m) under the insulated areas
(10). Use of the foam required special
placement techniques and an
overlying depth of material for the
pressure distribution of construction
and design wheel loads. Deflection of
the foam-insulated pavement system
is anywhere from 0.25 to 0.5 in. (6.4 to
12.7 mm) greater than deflection of an
untreated area. Also, the plastic
should extend outside the pavement
to protect the edges of the pavement
from heat loss through the shoulders.
Icing of pavements over insulated
subgrades has occasionally been a
safety problem. Very recently,
manufacturers of some proprietary
insulation materials in the United
States have requested a waiver of
liability from the State highway
departments for any claims that might
result from the use of their product.
Since some accidents have occurred
because of icing of the surface under
certain moisture and temperature
conditions, some of the States have
0.01andup No special prob- Very
lems expected promising
0.02—0.45 No special prob- Do
0.12—0.90 Need for high
degree of drying.
suddenly become very reluctant to
incorporate these proprietary
materials for insulation purposes.
Chemical additives to reduce frost
susceptibility of soils
Extensive laboratory and limited field
experience have shown chemical
additives to be effective in reducing
the frost susceptibility of subgrade
soils (11). Additives can usually be
classified into one of four different
types: (1) Void fillers and cements,
(2) aggregants, (3) dispersants, and
(4) waterproofers, according to their
action on the soil. The most promising
are resins, cation aggregants,
dispersants, and waterproofers, as
shown in table 1. Well-graded soils
respond best to treatment, making the
use of additives attractive for
modifying dirty gravels, sandy clays,
and silty sands. Uniform silts and
plastic clays were the least responsive.
As with all soil modifiers, obtaining a
uniform mixture of modifier with the
soil can present problems, especially
when the soil is a wet clay.
Excavation and replacement of frost
susceptible materials
Although granular materials are not
particularly good insulators,
replacement of frost susceptible
material with clean, granular backfill
is the most popular and usually most
successful method for reducing both
heaving and loss of strength during the
thawing period. The method reduces
both overall heave and differential
heave, and, if drainage is adequate,
results in retention of strength.
Replacement is generally to a depth of
from 50 to 100 percent of the depth of
frost penetration. On high type roads
where granular materials are plentiful,
replacement is often to 100 percent of
frost penetration. The granular
material is apparently effective
because it reduces the supply of
capillary water to the frost zone and
permits better drainage of surface
water entering the pavement system.
In areas of high precipitation, and in
areas with either ground-water
seepage problems or a high water
table, it is therefore important when
specifying frost free materials to
require a low percentage of material
finer than 0.001 in. (0.02 mm), and to
require no more than 0.04 in. (1.0 mm)
heave per day when the soil is
subjected to a laboratory frost
susceptibility test proposed by the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (CREEL)
(12). According to CREEL, to control
frost heave, the amount of material
finer than 0.001 in. (0.02 mm) should
be no more than 1 1/2 to 3 percent for
granular, well-graded sands and silty
sands, and no more than 10 percent
for uniform sandy soils.
Research on criteria for frost
susceptibility is being studied further
by the Pennsylvania, Massachusetts,
and New Hampshire highway
departments under current projects
sponsored by the FHWA.
Control of the water supply through
drainage measures
Methods to reduce frost action
through control of temperature
(insulation), modification of frost
susceptible soils, and replacement of
frost susceptible soils are effective
only when adequate drainage is
assured to minimize movement of
water into the frost zone and to drain
melt-water from above the frozen
zone. In many problem cases, good
drainage alone will result in a high
percentage of retained bearing
capacity during the spring thaw. The
following special drainage measures
are effective:
m Drain open-graded layers.
w Drain water trapped in ledge (rock)
m Provide deep side ditches to help
lower the water table.
m Drain seepage layers, especially
those which are exposed when the
roadway is perpendicular to contours.
m Provide drainage for seepage
layers under side hill fills.
wm Place underdrains in shaded areas
where frost penetration is deeper.
gw Drain low points of subbase
m Raise the pavement grade in high
water table areas.
m Place underdrains in wet cuts
unless the soil is pure silt or clay, in
which case, undercut and backfill.
The major problem in designing
drainage for pavements in cold areas
is keeping the drainage system from
being blocked by ice. Pipe outlets
placed low in side ditches often
remain frozen when melt-water under
the pavement needs an outlet.
Wherever possible, outlets should be
placed in the side of the embankment
at least 1 ft (305 mm) above the ditch
invert. Gate flaps on pipe outlets may
delay ice blockage by keeping cold air
out of the pipe.
Differential heaving over shallow |
drains has been a problem in some
States. This is generally attributed to
the cold-air chimney effect in the
pipe. Placement of small pipes at least
2 ft (610 mm) below the pavement
surface reduces the differential
Because of the sequence of freezing
from above and then thawing from
above and below, drainage problems
are created by the block of ice left
between the lower and upper thawed
zones. In climatic areas where the
frost penetration is deep and ground
water seepage is a problem, it is the
author's opinion that a two-layer
drainage system is needed in the
roadway. One layer should be placed
below the deepest frost penetration to
drain ground water seepage, reducing
both free water and capillary water.
Another layer should be placed high in
the pavement system to drain water
from thawing ice in the upper layers of
the pavement during warm spring
days. This top drainage layer could
consist of an asphalt-treated, open-
graded drainage layer as part of the
pavement structure, as advocated ina
report recently prepared for the FHWA
under an administrative contract (73).
A distinctive feature of this system is
the high permeability of the open-
graded layer—0O.12 to 0.28 in./s (0.003
to 0.007 m/s)—and the use, where
necessary to prevent intrusion, of a
filter layer of sand or fibrous material
both above and below the open-
graded layer. This graded filter
drainage system has been quite
successful in draining ground water
seepage in warm, high rainfall areas of
California. One of the installations has
been placed in a colder climate and its
performance is under observation.4
When this type of shallow drainage is
placed in very cold areas, particular
attention should be paid to parts of
the drainage system which might
4EHWA HP&R Research Project, California D-2-
1,Open Graded Asphalt Treated Drainage
Blanket,” California Department of
Transportation, Sacramento, Calif
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
61444144 EI ET
Figure 4.—Possible solution
to ice blockage
of shallow drains.
remain frozen while that part under
the pavement thaws. For example, ice
in outlet pipes under the shoulder will
probably thaw last because of snow
cover on the shoulder or less heat-
absorbing surfacing material. This ice
could temporarily block the drainage
of melted ice water under the
pavement. Although it is not covered
in the FHWA report “Guidelines for
the Design of Subsurface Drainage
Systems for Highway Structural
Sections” (13), it is the author’s
opinion that the problem of ice
blockage in cold sections of the
drainage system can be alleviated
through the use of pipes made of a
high heat conducting material and
surrounded by a good insulator (fig. 4)
in those areas remaining frozen the
longest. This type of construction
could provide sufficient heat flow
from the warm areas under the
pavement to the cold areas under the
shoulder and maintain an open
drainage system during the critical
thaw period. Typical gradations and
permeabilities of the open-graded
~ drainage layer and granular filter
materials for the layered drainage
system are shown in figure 5. This type
of pavement drainage will also handle
infiltration of rain and melted snow
from the surface during warm weather
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
50 30 2016 108
Figure 5.— Typical gradations and
permeabilities of open-graded bases
and filter materials (13).
1 FT=0.305 m
The supporting strength of pavements
is constantly fluctuating as a result of
environmental influences. In cold
climates, the critical strength period
occurs during the spring thaw.
Pavement structures must be designed
to support heavy wheel loads during
their weakest period or the change in
subgrade and pavement strength must
be minimized by either modifying or
replacing frost susceptible materials
and, above all, by assuring adequate
drainage of both the subgrade and the
pavement structure.
(1) S. Taber, “Frost Heaving,” Journal of
Geology, vol. 37, 1929, pp. 428-461.
(2) _E.S. Barber and G. P. Steffens, “Pore
Pressures in Base Courses,” Proceedings,
Highway Research Board, 1958.
(3) C.J. Van Til, et al., “Evaluation of AASHO
Interim Guides for Design of Pavement
Structures,” NCHRP Report 128, Highway
Research Board, 1972.
(4) “Pavement Research,” The AASHO Road
Test, Report 5, Special Report 61E, Highway
Research Board, 1962.
(5) J. F. Shook and H. Y. Fang, “Cooperative
Materials Testing Program at the AASHO Road
Test,” Special Report 66, Highway Research
Board, 1961.
(6) “Report of Committee on the Load-
Carrying Capacity of Roads as Affected by Frost
Action,” Bulletin 96, Highway Research Board,
(7) K.A.Linell and J. F. Haley, “Investigation
of the Effect of Frost Action on Pavement
Supporting Capacity,” Special Report No. 2,
“Frost Action in Soils,” Highway Research Board,
(8) F.H. Scrivner, R. Peohl, W. M. Moore, and
M. B. Phillips, “Detecting Seasonal Changes in
Load-Carrying Capabilities,” NCHRP Report 76,
Highway Research Board, 1969.
(9) “The WASHO Road Test,” Special Report
22, Part 2,’’Test Data, Analyses, Findings,”
Highway Research Board, 1955.
(10) E. Penner, M. D. Oosterbaan, and R. W.
Rodman, “Performance of City Pavement
Structures Containing Foamed Plastic
Insulation,” Record 128, Highway Research
Board, 1966.
(11) T.W. Lambe, “Modification of Frost
Heaving Soils with Additives,” Bulletin 135,
Highway Research Board, 1956.
(12) K.A. Linell and C. W. Kaplar, “The Factor
of Soil and Material Type in Frost Action,”
Bulletin 225, Highway Research Board, 1959.
(13) H.A. Cedergren, J. A. Arman, and K. H.
O’Brien, “Guidelines for the Design of
Subsurface Drainage Systems for Highway
Structural Sections,” Federal Highway
Administration, Washington, D.C., 1972,
available (by stock No. PB 220116) from the
National Technical Information Service, 5285
Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22151.
Effective with the March 1974 issue, the annual domestic subscription rate
for Public Roads was increased to $6.10 ($1.55 additional for foreign
mailing). The price increase is attributed to an increase in the number of
pages and additional color, as well as rising printing, labor, and paper costs
and new postal rates for 1974.
The Federal Highway Administration produces the magazine. The
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
establishes subscription rates and conditions of sale.
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
The Bridge Rating and Analysis
Structural System (BRASS) is a set of
45 computer programs with
documentation designed to aid in the
long range structure inventory and
appraisal of bridges along the Nation’s
highways. The present 45 programs
evolved from a series of bridge design
and analysis programs developed by
the Wyoming Highway Department
during 1967-1972. Structural review
and load rating capabilities were
added to the bridge design and
analysis programs to form the bridge
rating system. This additional work
was sponsored by the Implementation
Division, Office of Development,
Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA), through one of its
administrative contracts.
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
by Richard L. Sharp
and Webster H. Collins
The BRASS programs are written in the
FORTRAN IV computer programing
language and were developed on an
IBM 360 Model 40 computer. ! With a
minimal data requirement, the
system’s programs assist in the
analysis of the loading and structural
characteristics of a highway bridge,
furnishing aggregate and detailed
estimates of dead load and live load
stresses and a rated level of structural
service (fig.1). The programs are easily
IThe United States Government does not
endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or
manufacturers’ names appear herein solely
because they are considered essential to the
object of this report
executed and not constrained by the
characteristics of their host computer,
are flexible and user oriented, adhere
to uniform bridge design standards,
and will work for any State highway
organization. Complete
documentation of the programs,
including example problems and
program diagnostic aids, is available
to the rating system user from the U.S.
Department of Transportation, Federal
Highway Administration (HNG-30),
Washington, D.C. 20590.
Figure 1.—BRASS in use.
Capabilities exist in the system for
designing, reviewing, and load rating a
wide variety of highway bridges. The
system will accommodate the
following types of bridges (both
simple span and continuous): Timber,
welded steel plate, composite welded
steel plate, rolled steel beam, compos-
ite concrete-steel beam, steel I|-beam
(both welded and riveted), cast-
in-place concrete slab, concrete
T-beam, concrete box girders, con-
crete box culverts, concrete and steel
rigid frame structures including slant
leg structures, and hybrid girders (figs.
2-5). It will accommodate up to 18
continuous spans. The system will
handle vehicles with any selected axle
spacings and axle loads. It can handle
vehicles with varying numbers of
axles —up to a maximum of 24 axles.
In addition, the system accommodates
the standard AASHTO type loads. For
these loads, it automatically handles
the variable axle spacing and provides
maximum live load moments at
critical points.
Between February and April 1973, the
Office of Development sponsored
training workshops on the bridge
rating system. These workshops were
conducted jointly by personnel from
the Wyoming Highway Department
and FHWA’s Region 8 and Wyoming
Division Offices. These training
workshops were designed to assist
FHWA and State highway bridge
engineering personnel in the use of
the programs. Five separate workshops
were held across the Nation in which
more than 150 bridge engineers were
trained in the use of the system.
Immediately after the workshops, 25
State highway agencies requested
copies of the BRASS programs. In
response to their requests, a magnetic
computer tape was sent by Wyoming
to each State. This tape contained the
FORTRAN IV source code statements
for the 45 programs as developed for
the IBM 360 computer under the disk
operating system (DOS).
After receiving the initial tape
containing the BRASS programs, many
States requested the rating system be
converted to run on the IBM 360
computer under the full operating
system (OS). Accordingly, the
Implementation Division requested
FHWA’s Computer Services Division
to convert the rating system from DOS
to OS. This conversion was
accomplished from June through
September 1973. Following this
conversion, some revisions and certain
improvements to the system were
made during October by the Wyoming
Highway Department. These revisions
and improvements were forwarded to
FHWA’‘s Computer Services Division
who made a second conversion of the
system from DOS to OS. Wyoming
sent a single magnetic tape of this new
version of the bridge rating system to
the 25 State highway agencies having
already requested BRASS. This
distribution of the modified system
was accomplished by December 1,
Further testing will be done by the
States using the latest version of the
system. This additional testing will
undoubtedly raise questions
concerning either program results or
OS problems and these will have to be
resolved. Also, since this system is new
and complex, it is expected that users
will discover problems in the system
sos labia se
Figure 2.—Analysis and rating of cast-
in-place and prestressed concrete
bridges are in the system’s scope.
and will require assistance. Corrective
measures and answers to user
problems must be developed by one
who is thoroughly familiar with the
internal features of the system.
Accordingly, the Implementation
Division is sponsoring a contract to
provide a maintenance service
whereby users may contact a
contractor for help with problems
discovered in the system. The
Wyoming Highway Department —
developer of the system — is serving as
the maintenance contractor. At the
end of this contract maintenance
service, FHWA’s Bridge Division,
Office of Engineering, will provide any
future service which may become
As mentioned earlier, the bridge rating
system may be obtained from FHWA‘s
Bridge Division on request. In
response to such requests a BRASS
Implementation Package will be sent.
This package contains complete
documentation and a single magnetic
tape, on which are the FORTRAN IV
source code statements for the 45
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
OE agencies
programs. The documentation
includes the BRASS Reference Manual
which details the coding of bridge
structural and loading data for
processing and also contains test data
which allow the recipient to
implement and execute BRASS
without extensive collecting or coding
of data. These test data provide output
examples and serve a tutorial
Instructions on how to install the
bridge rating system on a local |BM
360 computer will be sent with the
implementation package. Any agency
receiving BRASS will be kept informed
regarding its use, modification, and
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
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Figure 3.—BRASS may be used to
check design calculations and to rate
new bridges.
Figure 4.— BRASS analyzes and rates
bridges with rolled and fabricated
Figure 5.— The system calculates
section properties for damaged
The new design technique described
in this article was developed by the
Office of Research, Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), and is offered
as a logical approach to the design of
open-graded asphalt friction overlays.
It provides a means to overcome with
reasonable assurance some of the past
difficulties encountered in design,
construction, and field performance.
The overall simplicity of the
methodology and the low capital
investment in required laboratory
equipment contributes to its
suitability for acceptance ona
national level.
The described method has been used
successfully on several FHWA Region
15 demonstration projects. It is
believed that the method provides
technological improvements over
other existing methods, and its use is
recommended for immediate
experimental application. Assistance
and instruction in the use of the
procedure are available to interested
agencies through the FHWA Region
15 Demonstration Project 10.
Design of Open-Graded
Asphalt Friction Courses
by! Richard W. Smith, James M. Rice,
and Stewart R. Spelman
Most of the highway community is
familiar with the type of overlay
commonly referred to as an open-
graded plant mix seal coat. According
to most available reports, this type of
surfacing evolved from the
conventional chip seal surface
treatment which is used primarily to
seal and maintain aged, but otherwise
structurally sound, pavements. It is
what its name implies —a chip seal
aggregate mixed hot ina plant witha
relatively high percentage of asphalt
cement and placed to a compacted
depth of 5/8 to 3/4 of an inch (16 to 19
mm) by an asphalt paver. The history
and extent of plant mix seal usage has
been adequately discussed and
documented in the literature (1-8).
Some of the benefits which have been
associated with the use of plant mix
seals are:
= Improved skid resistance at high
speeds during wet weather.
= Minimization of hydroplaning
effects during wet weather.
= Improved road smoothness.
= Minimization of splash and spray
during wet weather.
= Minimization of wheel path
\ This article is an abridgment of “Design of
Open-Graded Asphalt Friction Courses,” by R.W.
Smith, J.M. Rice, and S.R. Spelman, which is
available from the National Technical
Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,
Springfield, Va. 22151, PB No. 227479
2\talic numbers in parentheses identify the
references on page77
= Improved visibility of painted
traffic markings.
S Improved night visibility during
wet weather (less glare).
™ Lower highway noise levels.
B® Retardation of ice formation on
In spite of these benefits, the use of
plant mix seals has not been very
extensive because of a number of
uncertainties and problems involved
in their design and construction. The
FHWA has recently initiated an all-out
effort to overcome the problems
which prevent the motoring public
from receiving the benefits associated
with this type of surfacing material.
The greatest discernible difficulty in
this effort was that current design
practice was not well defined. In most
instances, the only design criteria
available were limits on the aggregate
gradation and ranges of values for
asphalt content which were based
primarily on field experience. Existing
methods of design seemed to rely
either on surface treatment concepts
or on the application of routine design
methods that are generally only
suitable for dense, cohesive type
mixtures. The open-graded plant mix
seal, however, does not fit into either
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
The main design consideration that
created problems appeared to be the
determination of the percentage of
asphalt cement to be used. The
amount was usually selected by
conducting a series of asphalt
drainage tests on trial mixtures at
various percentages of asphalt. The
basis for this design approach was
simply the requirement that a
sufficient quantity of asphalt cement
be made available for the formation of
a seal on the existing road surface, but
not so much as to Cause excess
drainage, segregation, or handling
problems during construction. The
undesirable aspect of selecting asphalt
content in this manner is that the
drainage test temperature is made the
controlling factor rather than, more
properly, the inherent properties of
the material constituents or of the
resulting mixture.
When asphalt content was selected by
the use of more advanced equipment,
such as the Marshall or Hveem
apparatus, it was found that stability
-and flow were quite insensitive to
variations in asphalt percentage.
Selecting the asphalt content on the
basis of optimizing stability and flow
did not provide definitive results.
The selection of asphalt content by
either drainage tests or mechanical
tests requires considerable
engineering judgment. Using either of
these methods, it is quite possible for
the mixture to contain too little
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
asphalt, which would create a raveling
condition, or too much asphalt, which
would create a flushing condition.
In the course of our analysis of the
problem, it became evident that
highway engineers have been using
open-graded plant mix seals for two
distinct purposes: (1) Maintenance of
aged and weathered pavement
surfaces, and (2) specifically forthe
improvement of pavement friction.
Since the latter purpose is the primary
concern of the FHWA, we thought it
desirable to advance the open-graded
plant mix seal still further, into the
open-graded asphalt friction course.
Referring to the previous discussion,
an open-graded asphalt friction course
might best be considered a plant mix
seal without the excess asphalt
cement which forms the seal.
Although this distinction may seem
relatively minor, it does greatly reduce
the difficulty that is encountered in
mixture design and pavement
construction. Using this concept, a
more definite design procedure can be
established without sacrificing any of
the benefits. It is still important,
however, to provide a watertight seal
at the interface with the existing
pavement system to prevent water
infiltration. It is recommended that
the existing surface be treated
separately from the new surfacing
material with a tack coat. If the
existing surface is porous and dry, a
prime coat should be applied. If it is
flushed, the excess asphalt should be
The design procedure, then, is based
on the concept that the open-graded
asphalt friction course consists
predominantly of a narrowly-graded
coarse aggregate fraction—defined
here as the material that is retained on
a No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve—with a
sufficiently high interstitial void
capacity to provide for a relatively
high asphalt content, a high air void
content, and a small fraction of fine
aggregate—defined as that material
passing a No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve. The
coarse aggregate fraction provides the
structure of the composite mixture
while the fine aggregate fraction acts
primarily as a filler within the
interstitial voids and as a stabilizer for
the coarse aggregate fraction.
Material requirements
The highway community is now
cognizant that pavement skid
resistance is not only a function
of the larger scale texture or macro-
texture, but also of the small
scale texture or microtexture which
can barely be felt by touch. Ina
typically dense-graded asphalt
mixture, the pavement macrotexture Is
provided by the coarse aggregate,
while the microtexture can be
provided by both the coarse and fine
aggregates. In the open-graded asphalt
friction course, however, the coarse
aggregate fraction must provide the
necessary microtexture without
assistance from the fine aggregate. For
this reason, it is very important that
this be considered when selecting the
coarse aggregate. A number of
aggregates derive their excellent
microtexture properties through the
process of attrition, but in some cases
this can be excessive in terms of
abrasion loss requirements. A
compromise might, therefore, be
required between friction and
abrasion properties.
It is recommended that relatively pure
carbonate aggregates or any
aggregates known to polish be
excluded from the coarse aggregate
fraction—material retained on No. 8
(2.36 mm) sieve. In addition, the
coarse aggregate fraction should have
at least 75 percent by weight of
particles with at least two fractured
faces and 90 percent with one or more
fractured faces. The abrasion loss
(AASHTO T 96) should not exceed 40
The attainment of the required
drainage and macrotexture properties
(see fig. 1) is more or less implicit with
adherence to the following
recommended limits on the aggregate
gradation which have been borrowed
largely from field experience (9):
U.S. sieve size Percent passing
3/8 inch
(9.5 mm) 100
No. 4 3050
(4.75 mm)
No. 8 515
(2.36 mm)
No. 200 25
(75 um)
Limits which are given for the No. 8
(2.36 mm) sieve are intended primarily
as a guide. The overriding
consideration which actually dictates
the maximum limit is that all material
finer than this limit must fit within the
interstitial voids of the composite
forming material—that retained on
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Figure 1.—Functional concept of open-graded asphalt friction
No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve. The uniformity
of the aggregate grading between the
No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve and the No. 200
(75 pm) sieve is an important factor
affecting the quantity that can be
used, as are the shape characteristics
(roundness and sphericity) of the
coarse aggregate fraction. The
importance of including at least some
fine-sized aggregate cannot be
overemphasized, as its primary
purpose is to provide a chocking
action for the stabilization of the
coarse aggregate fraction.
Consequently, minimum requirements
have been provided. Limits which are
given for mineral dust—passing
No. 200 (75 um) sieve —help to assure
some degree of uniform grading of the
fine aggregate, as well as to control
the asphalt drainage characteristics of
the mixture by effectively increasing
the viscosity of the asphalt cement.
The suggested grade of asphalt
cement to be used is AC-10 or AR-40 of
AASHTO M226-731. These grades
should be considered a tentative
starting point because test results
obtained from the design process may
indicate an advantage or anecessity
to alter the asphalt grade.
Asphalt content
The method of selecting the asphalt
content consists of two steps. The first
is to conduct a measurement of the
surface capacity (Kc) of the
predominant aggregate size fraction—
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
material retained on No. 4 (4.75 mm)
sieve. Surface capacity includes
absorption, superficial area, and
surface roughness —all of which affect
asphalt cement requirements (10).
The second step is to compute the
required asphalt content from an
established simple linear relationship
obtained from field experience on
similar mixtures (5):
Percent asphalt =*2.0(Kc) + 4.0
Asphalt content so determined is
based on weight of total aggregate. A
basic difference between this design
procedure and its predecessors is that
this value for asphalt content is to be
considered final in that no further
adjustments are to be made based on
asphalt drainage characteristics,
stability, or any other criteria.
However, after the subject report had
been distributed, a refinement for
asphalt content was found necessary
for mixtures containing certain types
of aggregates such as expanded clays
and shales. Although the original
formula undoubtedly accounted for
small variations in aggregate specific
gravity because it was based on field
experience, it cannot be used for
mixtures in which the apparent
specific gravity of the aggregate is
markedly different from 2.65.
Therefore, it is suggested that a
corrected asphalt content be
calculated by the formula:
Corrected percent asphalt
percent asphalt x 2.65
apparent specific gravity of aggregate
The corrections will be relatively
insignificant for most aggregates other
than the lightweight expanded clays or
30ther equations which have been used are:
FOA=1.5 (Kc) + 3.5 and FOA= 1.5 (Kc)+ 4.0 by
California and Colorado, respectively
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
Void capacity of coarse aggregate
A portion of the procedure covers the
measurement of the interstitial void
capacity of the coarse aggregate
fraction—material retained on No. 8
(2.36 mm) sieve —of the proposed
Figure 2.—FHWA vibratory
compaction apparatus (11).
gradation. This information is
obtained by conducting a vibratory
unit weight determination (17). The
desirable feature of this test is the high
degree of densification achieved
without causing a significant amount
of aggregate degradation. This test
provides an indication of the
minimum level of interstitial voids
that will exist in the coarse aggregate
fraction of the friction course after
long-term densification under high
traffic volumes—assuming no
aggregate degradation. In essence, the
compactive characteristics of the
coarse aggregate fraction are
determined not only by the gradation,
but also by particle sphericity and
roundness. The essential components
of this test are illustrated in figure 2.
The main element shown is an
electromagnetic vibratory rammer
with a frequency of 3,600 Hertz and a
mass of 25 pounds (11.34 kg).
Optimum content of fine aggregate
The optimum content of the fine
aggregate fraction is that amount
which can fit within the interstitial
voids of the coarse aggregate fraction,
while at the same time allowing a
sufficient portion of the interstitial
voids for the asphalt cement and for a
minimum quantity of air voids. The
maximum quantity of fine aggregate is
limited not only by absolute volume
requirements, but also by the particle-
size distribution of the fine aggregate
(i.e., the fine aggregate has its own
interstitial void system). An implied
requirement of the design method is
that the interstitial void system of the
coarse aggregate fraction will not be
made greater by the addition of the
fine aggregate fraction. This insures an
internal void system with large-sized
voids for water drainage purposes. The
assumption is made that the above
requirement will be satisfied provided
that the fine aggregate fraction is
limited to a maximum of 15 percent by
volume of the total aggregate (or by
weight if the coarse and fine aggregate
fractions are of the same specific
A minimum air void content of 15
percent is recommended for design
purposes to insure adequate
subsurface water drainage. It is this
condition which gives the mixture its
desirable features. Information
supporting the criterion of 15 percent
is scarce; however, it has been shown
that for approximately the
recommended aggregate grading
(Marshall samples compacted at 50
blows per side yielded air void
contents of 15.6 percent) the resulting
water infiltration capacity of the
mixture when compacted toa
pavement thickness of 1 in. (25.4 mm)
proved to be sufficient (72).
The fine aggregate content may be
expressed in general terms by the
following relationship on a percentage
by volume basis:
Fine aggregate passing No. 8 (2.36
mm) sieve
= Void capacity (VMA) retained
No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve
— Design asphalt content
— Design void content
+ Asphalt absorption by
The above expression has been
translated into a quantitative
mathematical equation and included
as part of the design procedure. As an
alternate to using the equation, a
simplified nomograph (fig. 3) is also
provided which is applicable for a
wide range of materials. Neither the
equation nor the nomograph includes
a correction for asphalt absorption
since it is assumed to be negligible in
most Cases.
Optimum mixing temperature
The optimum mixing temperature Is
based on the concept that the
aggregate should be heated hot
enough to be reasonably dry to
facilitate coating and adhesion, yet
not be so hot as to reduce the viscosity
of the asphalt binder to a level which
facilitates drainage and segregation of
the asphalt from the aggregate during
transit from the mixing plant to the job
site. The recommended target mixing
temperature is in the range that will
corrrespond to asphalt cement
viscosities of 700 to 900 centistokes. A
simple test is provided in the
procedure to investigate the drainage
characteristics of the design mixture.
This consists of maintaining asample
of the mixture in a glass container at
the mixing temperature for a
prescribed period, and then observing
for drainage. The purpose of this test is
not to determine asphalt content as
has been done in the past, but rather
to determine the mixing temperature
at which the recommended quantity
of asphalt may be used. If asphalt
drainage occurs at a mixing
temperature which is too low to
provide for adequate drying of the
aggregate, an asphalt of a higher grade
should be used (AC-20 or AR-80).
Resistance to effects of water
The accessibility of the interior of the
open-graded asphalt friction course to
water makes it important to
investigate the tendency to lose
strength in the presence of moisture.
The criterion of strength is not
believed to be as important as the
criterion of retained strength.
The Immersion-Compression Test
(AASHTO T 165 and T 167) is required
Figure 3.— Determination of optimum
fine aggregate content.
PASSING NO. 8 (2.36 mm) SIEVE
25 30
for this investigation. A molding
pressure of 2,000 psi (13.79 MPa) is
used rather than the specified value of
3,000 psi (20.68 MPa) to eliminate
most aggregate degradation during
compaction. Accordingly, the index of
retained strength is specified as a 50-
percent minimum — as contrasted to a
70-percent minimum for dense-graded
mixtures molded at 3,000 psi (20.68
MPa)—after a 4-day immersion in
120° F (48.899 C) water. Additives
may be used to promote adhesion and
to provide adequate retained strength.
The procedure which has been
outlined is relatively new. However, in
the course of conducting an initial
investigation, it was possible to apply
the procedure to the design of plant
mix seals which were recently
AGGREGATE = 2(Kc)+ 4.0
35 40 45
NO. 8 (2.36 mm) SIEVE
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
constructed under the auspices of the
FHWA Region 15 Demonstration
Project 10, in the States of New
Hampshire, Minnesota, Michigan,
New York, and Kentucky. These after-
the-fact designs compared quite well
with the designs recommended by
FHWA Region 15 personnel, which
were based on the Colorado procedure
(8). A comparison of aggregate
gradation and asphalt content results
and a more complete listing of
pertinent information obtained by this
procedure are provided in the subject
report. In the Kentucky and the New
York designs, some 3/8- to 1/2-in.
(9.5- to 12.7-mm) material was
permitted. It is believed that a
relatively small quantity of this size in
the range of 5-10 percent will not
significantly affect the desired mixture
properties and is therefore allowable.
This provision would permit the more
economical use of standard sizes of
As aresult of the favorable
comparison, the procedure was
applied to the design of mixes fora
demonstration project in Mississippi.
This turned out to be especially
challenging as three separate job-mix
designs were requested, each
containing various combinations of
aggregate—crushed gravel, expanded
clay (synthetic aggregate), and slag
(phosphate type). These mixture
designs were successfully placed in
October 1973. Although it is too early
to draw any conclusions regarding
performance, it has been reported that
all three sections are maintaining
good skid numbers, excellent drainage
qualities, and very satisfactory riding
qualities .4
Since the Mississippi project, a
number of interested agencies have
requested assistance and instruction
in the use of this procedure through
the FHWA Region 15 Demonstration
Project 10. As a consequence, other
successful demonstrations using
mixtures designed by this procedure
4 Paper by T.C. Paul Teng “Research and
Evaluation of Hot Bituminous Plant Mix Seal
Course,” Mississippi Asphalt Paving Seminar,
April 1974.
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
have been completed in Ohio and
lowa. Similar projects are being
scheduled in Pennsylvania, Kansas,
West Virginia, Delaware, Hawaii,
Montana, and Washington.
The authors believe that the design
procedure described in the preceding
paragraphs is a substantial
technological improvement over other
existing methods used to design open-
graded asphalt mixtures. This opinion-
is based on several considerations.
First is the simplification of the usual
process required to select asphalt
content. Although the value
determined is still based largely on
field experience, asphalt requirements
are desirably dependent on the effects
caused by different types of
aggregates. Furthermore, the
relationship used to compute asphalt
content seems to provide for as high
an asphalt content as used anywhere
in practice. The use of this relatively
large amount of asphalt is facilitated
by requiring and providing for
adjustments in mixing temperature
and grade of asphalt cement, if
Second is the provision for the
investigation of the compaction
characteristics of the coarse
aggregate. This step verifies whether
adequate space is available in the
composite structure for the required
amount of asphalt, air voids, anda
sufficient but limited quantity of fine
aggregate. Essentially, the properties
and characteristics of the aggregate to’
be used dictate how the aggregate
shall be graded (within limits) in order
that the desired mixture
characteristics are achieved.
Third is the knowledge that the
application of this procedure would
have averted the use of a mix design
that was responsible for arather
extensive incidence of asphalt
flushing of an open-graded plant mix
seal coat placed in the Washington,
D.C. area in 1969. Evaluation of the
actual mix design by the proposed
new procedure indicates that
insufficient void space was available
in the coarse aggregate for the
quantities of fine aggregate and
asphalt cement that were used.
Further improvements in the
procedure are contemplated as results
of current research efforts become
available. However, the procedure in
its present form is recommended for
immediate application.
(1) William L. Eager, “Construction and
Performance of Plant Mixed Seal Coats,”
Proceedings, American Association of State
Highway Officials, 1967, pp. 235-246.
(2) Gordon A. McKenna, “Plant Mix Seal Coats
Used in Region Seven (FHWA),” Federal
Highway Administration, Office of Engineering,
distributed by Circular Memorandum, May 1968.
(3) W. R. Lovering, “Open-Graded Asphalt Mix—
Pros and Cons,” Roads and Streets, December
1961, p. 84.
(4) Doyt Y. Bolling, “Open-Graded Plant Mix
Surface Courses in the Washington (D.C.) Area,”
Conference on Skid Resistant Surface Courses,
Arlington, Va., Federal Highway Administration,
Report No. FHWA-RDDP-10-1, July 1970.
(5) Robert A. Bohman, “Open-Graded Plant Mix
Seals,” Conference on Skid Resistant Surface
Courses, Chicago Heights, III., Federal Highway
Administration, Report No. FHWA-RDDP-10-2,
September 1971.
(6) John A. Mills, “A Skid Resistance Study in
Four Western States,” Special Report 101,
Highway Research Board, 1969, pp. 3-17.
(7) Wade B. Betenson, “Plant-Mixed Seal Coats
in Utah,” Asphalt Paving Technology 1972, The
Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists,
pp. 664-684.
(8) B. A. Brakey, “Design, Construction, and
Performance of Plant Mix Seals,” Proceedings,
American Association of State Highway
Officials, 1972, pp. 177-195.
(9) “Open Graded Plant Mix Seals,” Federa!
Highway Administration, Office of Engineering,
distributed by Notice, May 1973, p. 13.
(10) “Method of Test for Centrifuge Kerosene
Equivalent Including K-Factor,” Test Method
303-E, California Department of Transportation.
(11) D. G. Fohs, J. R. Blystone, and P. C. Smith,
“A Vibratory Compaction Test Method for
Granular Materials,” Federal Highway
Administration, Report No. FHWA-RD-7 2-43,
November 1972, available through the National
Technical Information Service, Springfield, Va.,
22151, PB No. 221008.
(12) R. W. Smith, “Influence of Permeance on
Asphalt Concrete Hardening,” The Pennsylvania
State University, December 1971.
Report on Accident Experience
with Impact Attenuators
—A Best Seller
by John G. Viner and Charles M. Boyer
The final report on “Accident
Experience with Impact At-
tenuation Devices” (1)! is Now
available. The report examines 393
accidents involving impact
attenuators (also called crash
cushions) which were reported in
conjunction with the National
Experimental and Evaluation Program
Project No. NEEP-4, “Impact
Attenuation Devices,” administered
by the Federal Highway
Administration’s Office of Highway
Operations. An interim report on this
study was published in the October
1971 issue of Public Roads (2).
Accident reports used in this study
were received on the Fibco impact
attenuator? the Hi-Dro Cushion, the
Stee! Drum attenuator, the TOR-
SHOK, the Dragnet, and the
Vermiculite Concrete barrier. The data
involved 188 locations, mostly at
elevated gores.
Some 68 of these accidents involving
impact attenuators were judged likely
to have resulted in death or serious
injury had the attenuator not been
present. In these 68 accidents, 5
resulted in fatalities and 12 in injuries
requiring hospitalization. Thus, in 75
percent of these cases, accident
severity was reduced from probable
fatalities or hospitalizing injuries to
accidents involving only minor injury
or property damage. In these 68 major
accidents, vehicle overturns occurred
in Six Cases.
Italic numbers in parentheses identify the
2The United States Government does not
endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or
manufacturers’ names appear herein solely
because they are considered essential to the
object of this report
For impact attenuators installed in
gore areas, 4.1 accidents per site per
year were reported in this study. In
many of these installations the
attenuator was installed in front of an
existing parapet nose which reduced
weaving room, perhaps thereby
increasing the number of accidents
that occurred. In new construction
and in some existing gores, the gore
can be designed (or rebuilt) so that the
attenuator occupies essentially the
Same space as a conventional bridge
parapet nose, alleviating this problem.
Provision of such space in the design
of elevated exit ramps, together with
the installation of an impact
attenuator, is now required on all
Federal-aid projects (3).
Data on vehicle heading angle and
point of impact in an attenuator
accident, the range of reported
installation and maintenance costs,
and asummary of all reported
accidents are given in the final report
(1). The report may be obtained for
$3.75, paper copy and $1.45,
microfiche (PB 224995/1AS) from the
National Technical Information
Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,
Springfield, Va. 22151.
(1) J. G. Viner and C. M. Boyer, “Accident
Experience with Impact Attenuation Devices,”
Final Report FHWA-RD-73-7 1, Federal Highway
Administration, April 1973.
(2) John G. Viner, “Experience to Date with
Impact Attenuators,” Public Roads, vol. 36, No.
10, October 1971, pp. 209-218. Subsequently
published in the Transportation Engineering
Journal of ASCE, vol. 98, No. TE1, Proc. Paper
8747, February 1972, pp. 71-87.
(3) “Use of Crash Cushions on Federal-Aid
Highways,” FHWA Instructional Memorandum
40-5-72, Federal Highway Administration,
HNG-32, November 8, 1972.
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
New Research in Progress
The following items identify new
research studies that have been
reported by FHWA’s Offices of
Research and Development. These
studies are sponsored in whole or in
part with Federal highway funds. For
further details, please contact the
following: Staff and Contract
Research — Editor; Highway Planning
and Research (HP&R Research) —
Performing State Highway
Department; National Cooperative
Highway Research Program
(NCHRP) — Program Director, National
Cooperative Highway Research
Program, Transportation Research
Board, 2101 Constitution Avenue,
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418.
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
FCP Category 1— Improved Highway
Design and Operation for Safety
FCP Project 1A: Traffic Engineering
Improvements for Safety
Title: Guidelines for Uniformity in
Traffic Control Signal Design
Configurations. (FCP No. 51A1514)
Objective: Prepare guidelines for
optimum traffic control signal design
configurations at intersections and
mid-block crossings. This must include
considerations of cost and user
response in terms of observance,
safety, and efficiency. Only special
operation techniques for special
configurations will be considered.
Performing Organization: KLD
Associates, Inc., Huntington, N.Y.
Expected Completion Date: July 1976
Estimated Cost: $300,000 (NCHRP)
FCP Project 1B: Remedial Driving
Techniques for Freeways and
Title: Remedial Driving Techniques
for Freeways and Interchanges. (FCP
No. 31B1762)
Objective: Determine problem
freeway segments, identify associated
improper and proper maneuvers, and
develop remedial measures to
improve drivers’ performance.
Performing Organization: Institute for
Research, State College, Pa. 16801
Expected Completion Date: May 1975
Estimated Cost: $161,000 (FHWA
Administrative Contract)
FCP Project 1C: Analysis and
Remedies of Freeway Traffic
Title: Data for Development of
Incident Detection Algorithms. (FCP
No. 31C3514)
Objective: Provide real-time traffic
data on freeway incidents stored on
magnetic tape. Obtain data at various
volume levels on three-, four-, and
five-lane freeways with different
geometrics. Provide documentation
for each incident characterizing its
severity, type, and time of occurrence.
Performing Organization: California
Department of Transportation, Los
Angeles, Calif. 90020
Expected Completion Date: December
Estimated Cost: $275,000 (FHWA
Administrative Contract)
FCP Project 1F: Energy Absorbing and
Frangible Structures
Title: Modifications for Achieving
High Performance Barriers. (FCP No.
341P 1152)
Objective: Develop new concepts for
low-cost impact attenuators that are
low in maintenance, have multi-hit
capability, utilize minimum space,
and are high performance in design.
Performing Organization: Eyring
Research Institute, Provo, Utah 84601
Expected Completion Date: June 1976
Estimated Cost: $139,000 (FHWA
Administrative Contract)
FCP Project 1H: Skid Accident
Title: Improvement of Utility of a
Highway-Vehicle-Object Simulation
Program for Highway Application.
[FC RIING 3 12232)
Objective: A detailed users manual of
the present HVOSM program will be
established. The existing programs will
be improved for efficient utilization
by highway personnel as well as
extending the present capability using
previously developed results.
Performing Organization: Calspan
Corporation, Buffalo, N.Y. 14221
Expected Completion Date: December
Estimated Cost: $115,000 (FHWA
Administrative Contract)
Title: Texture Measurement System
Development. (FCP No. 31H3222)
Objective: Performance evaluation of
laser system for texture measurement
under operational conditions.
Investigation of wavelength diversity
as measure of skid resistance at
varying speed. Delivery of road test
model of laser-sensor package.
Performing Organization: Naval
Ordnance Laboratory, Silver Spring,
Md. 20910
Expected Completion Date: May 1975
Estimated Cost: $86,000 (FHWA
Administrative Contract)
Title: Frictional Requirements
Necessary to Reduce Skidding
Accident Frequencies. (FCP No.
Objective: Analysis on present data
base and models for frictional demand
of pavements. Design skidding tests to
complete the data base. Semi-
empirical modeling of skidding
phenomena and establishing frictional
requirements leading to an
operational methodology.
Performing Organization: JRB
Associates, Inc., La Jolla, Calif. 92037
Expected Completion Date: April 1975
Estimated Cost: $159,000 (FHWA
Administrative Contract)
FCP Project 1N: Motorists’ Direction
and Information Systems
Title: Motorist Response to Highway
Guide Signing. (FCP No. 51N1012)
Objective: Identify, develop, and
critique candidate measures of driver
response to highway guide signing and
develop a means for validating the
most promising measures and conduct
such a validation.
Performing Organization:
Biotechnology, Incorporated, Falls
Church, Va. 22042
Expected Completion Date: January
Estimated Cost: $250 000 (NCHRP)
FCP Project 10: Aids to Surveillance
and Control
Title: Structural and Geometric Design
of Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings.
(FCP No. 4101042)
Objective: Develop implementable,
structural, and geometric design
criteria for highway-railroad grade
Performing Organization: Texas
Transportation Institute, College
Station, Tex. 78701
Funding Agency: Texas Highway
Expected Completion Date: August
Estimated Cost: $170,000 (HP&R)
FCP Category 2— Reduction of Traffic
Congestion, and Improved
Operational Efficiency
FCP Project 2B: Development and
Testing of Advanced Control
Strategies in the Urban Traffic Control
Title: UTCS/BPS Software Support.
(FCP No. 32B2512)
Objective: (1) Integrate advanced
traffic control strategies with the
UTCS-1 simulation; (2) test advanced
traffic control strategies; (3) convert
housekeeping software associated
with the second generation software
into FORTRAN IV; and (4) code,
integrate, and test third generation
Performing Organization: Honeywell,
Inc., Hopkins, Minn. 55343
Expected Completion Date: December
Estimated Cost: $581,000 (FHWA
Administrative Contract)
FCP Category 3— Environmental
Considerations in Highway Design,
Location, Construction, and Operation
FCP Project 3F: Pollution Reduction
and Visual Enhancement
Title: Erosion Control During Highway
Construction. (FCP No. 53F1592)
Objective: Assess methods of erosion
control currently in practice; develop
a manual recommending techniques
to reduce erosion; identify research
needs in the research area.
Performing Organization: Utah State
University, Logan, Utah 84321
Expected Completion Date: October
Estimated Cost: $175,000 (NCHRP)
Title: Establishment and Management
of Vegetation in Highway
Environments. (FCP No. 43F1732)
Objective: Establish habitat
restrictions and develop procedures
for establishing plants for erosion
contro}. Develop methods for
controlling unwanted plants.
Performing Organization: Texas
Transportation Institute, College
Station, Tex. 77840
Funding Agency: Texas Highway
Expected Completion Date: August
Estimated Cost: $150,000 (HP&R)
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
FCP Category 5— Improved Design to
Reduce Costs, Extend Life Expectancy,
and Insure Structural Safety
FCP Project 5D:Structural
Rehabilitation of Pavement Systems
Title:Pavement Evaluation. (FCP
No. 35D1022)
Objective:Develop methodology
for the determination of a pavement’s
structural adequacy taking into
account the load-carrying capability,
serviceability, and remaining life of
the structure.
Performing Organization: I exas
Transportation Institute, College
Station, Tex. 77843
Expected Completion Date:
February 1977
Estimated Cost:$204,000 (FHWA
Administrative Contract)
Title:Reconditioning Heavy-Duty
Freeways in Urban Areas. (FCP No.
Objective:Develop a new
technology for reconstituting and/or
replacing all or part of the pavement
structure on a heavily traveled urban
freeway so that the finished product
has a design service life equal to or
greater than that of the original
pavement, including restoration of
riding and non-skid characteristics.
Performing Organization: I exas
A&M Research Foundation, College
Station, Tex. 77843
Expected Completion Date:QOctober
Estimated Cost:$100,000 (NCHRP)
- FCP Project 5F:
Bridge Safety
Title:Acceptance Criteria for
Electroslag Weldments in Bridges.
[PCr No. 55F2112)
Objective:The fracture and fatigue
crack growth behavior of the heat-
affected zone and various areas within
the fusion zone of electroslag
weldments will be studied. The
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
influence of base material (A36 and
A588 steel) plate thickness (1- and 4-
inch) as well as numerous process
variables are included in the
experiment design.
Performing Organization:U.S. Steel
Corporation, Monroeville, Pa. 15146
Expected Completion Date: April
Estimated Cost:$200,000 (NCHRP)
FCP Project 6Z:|mplementation of
Research Projects
Title:| mplementation of Research
(FCP No. 4621733)
Objective:Special efforts to insure
that the results of research and
development projects are brought into
operating practice.
Performing Organization:New York
Department of Transportation,
Albany, N.Y. 12226
Expected Completion Date:May 1975
Estimated Cost:$87, 000 (HP&R)
Title: Determination of Tolerable
Flaw Sizes in Full Size Bridge
Weldments. (FCP No. 35F2132)
determination of the tolerable fatigue
crack size in bridge girders and gusset
plated truss connections. Correlation
of experimental results with analytical
determination of stress intensity factor
and measured material toughness.
Performing Organization:Lehigh
University, Bethlehem, Pa. 18015
Expected Completion Date:
December 1975
Estimated Cost:$245,000 (FHWA
Administrative Contract)
FCP Category 6— Development and
Implementation of Research
FCP Project 6C: Traffic Engineering
Title: Traffic Responsive Ramp
Control Through Use of Micro
Computers. (FCP No. 46C1173)
Objective:Evaluate the use of micro
computers as traffic responsive ramp
controllers. Work includes
development of both hardware and
software considering both cost and
functional capability.
Performing Organization:California
Department of Transportation,
Sacramento, Calif. 95814
Expected Completion Date:
December 1976
Estimated Cost:$122,000 (HP&R)
Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
provides, in one publication, the
applicable motor carrier safety
‘regulations for motor carriers
operating in interstate or foreign
commerce. This is a revised issue of
the regulations, including
amendments through October 1, 1973,
parts 390 through 397. There are
{ore olatolamelUr-lititer-tdlolat mel melah alae
driving of motor vehicles; parts and
accessories necessary for safe
ue) elie ha lelabmarelaiacer-ldlolaMmccloleladlat-ae-lave|
recording of accidents; hours of
SY olaVilel-Me) mel dhl em laltel-edlelalr-late
lnatellahcciar-lel@chin de-lalyolelae-lalelame)i
hazardous materials; and driving and
parking rules.
Lisle wolelelite-lalolamaat- Wa elem elll cel al-CicteM (ols
a BVAOR icolesmaatcmiel ol-lalalcclale(slalmeyi
Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Stock
Number 5004-00010).
Part VI, Traffic Controls for Street and
Highway Construction and
Maintenance Operations, of the
IAFetalUE-tolpm Olalicelseaml Ne-ind{en Qolatace)|
Devices has been reproduced as a
separate publication to meet the
aleve ko) mi ae-ta stom @olalace) mie-lalel-lnemiole
rol ah ja qu reidlolapmaar-lialeciar-lalecme-lalomelalliay
Wield ar-lgcr-CMlamaalem OlalicsteMsie-lesom 2-171
VII, Traffic Controls for School Areas,
(o) MaaTomAtclalel-1 Mm at-Cer-l Ko of-tclam 010] oli Kval-ve|
separately for the special demand of
ol stole) -lccy-CudalcoleyedslolUlamdal-MN Tr lelolan
stolaamye-lalel-lnekw-lccm-l ole) [fe-10)(-mcol-1 1
public roads regardless of type or
class, or agency having jurisdiction in
accordance with Federal legislation.
1h OYA olam Glolakiaguoidie)al-lare|
Maintenance Operations may be
purchased for $1.25 (Stock Number
lO OME O0 Clow DE-lalem ot-1 aan Val Mola i ielalole)|
Areas for 75 cents (Stock Number
5001-00067) from the Superintendent
of Documents, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Highway Transportation Research and
Development Studies 1973 presents a
complete inventory of the research
Flare me (enVci(o) olaateralaciaulol(ecw-lolelco\Zcrommla
progress, or completed during fiscal
year 1973. The report contains
individual vignettes for all research
El aremoleacl(o)olaatcialaciaerel(<cmdat-larlac
10] 0) oLelaacrem-lalem-I(e(stom on manic motels) ec)
Highway Administration’s Offices of
exits gel ai-lalom DL=aV2l Ke) olantclalam siulactl0 Me) i
Kol ol al F-laal-lamsy-licia AelaleRct=) (tei cee!
fole-lalalialea cexter-1 cel smciae lel (= micelaameats)
Offices of Planning.
ibalkmoleio)iter-lalolamimlalcciare(crem elalantelai hy
irolmaatemiaicoldnar-ldlelam-lalem+i0ller-laleaome) |
Federal and State personnel
concerned with highway-related
research, particularly those in the
Federal Highway Administration
Gah a0 ic lale Rolagtciar-tsiclalel(scmWaiaeliamaatsy
Oye Di-ley-laennlalmolm Me-lariolelacclarela
(DOT), and those in State highway
departments or departments of
transportation. It will be useful also to
other Federal and local government
personnel; to highway-oriented and
Wie) altel (mrolalclahecremagc(e(-¥molcelis\s (earl ip
and research organizations; and to
members of the general public
interested in or concerned with
iexter-l cel eM famallsdaiwz-Wade-lattelelae-lalelae
WM alkmolelo)iver-tdlolamant-\vm olen oll lane atcKi-vem (els
$4.50 from the Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 (Stock
Number 5003-00157).
September 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
The following highway research and
development reports are for sale by
the National Technical Information
Service, Sills Building, 5285 Port Royal
Road, Springfield, Va. 22151.
Other highway research and
development reports available from
the National Technical Information
Service will be announced in future
Stock No.
PB 226625
PB 226884
PB 228329
PB 228680
PB 228681
PB 228720
PB 228786
PB 229401
Analysis of Overhead Cable-
Supported Roadway Sign.
Development of Louvered
Signs to Reduce Wind Load.
An Investigation of the Load-
Carrying Capacity of Drilled
Cast-in-Place Concrete Piles
Bearing on Coarse Granular
Soils and Cemented Alluvial
Fan Deposits.
Field Measurements of Lateral
Earth Pressures on a Pre-Cast
Panel Retaining Wall.
Condition of Longitudinal
Steel in Illinois Continuously
Reinforced Concrete
Fill Stabilization Using Non-
Biodegradable Waste
Products— Phase |.
Barrier VII: A Computer
Program for Evaluation of
Automobile Barrier Systems.
Design Variables for Cut
PUBLIC ROADS e Vol. 38, No. 2
Highway Research and
Development Reports Available
from National Technical
Information Service
Patera bo beh)
Evaluation of Stud Welding
System for Aluminum
Highway Signs.
Live Load Stresses in a Straight
Box-Girder Bridge.
Skid Test Trailer Calibration.
Computer Evaluation of
Automobile Barrier Systems.
Feasibility Study and
Preliminary Design of a System
for Rapid Evaluation of
Rational Pavement Designs.
An Analysis of Dynamic
Displacements Measured
Within Pavement Structures.
Load Distribution ina
Composite Steel Box-Girder
Probabilistic Design Concepts
Applied to Flexible Pavement
System Design.
The Rehabilitated AASHO Test
Road, Part |— Materials and
Analytical Problems in
Modeling Slurry Wall
Investigation of Dynamic
Stresses in Highway Bridges —
An Interim Report.
Development of Guidelines for
the Design of Subsurface
Drainage Systems for Highway
Pavement Structural Sections.
Evaluation of Existing Bridge
Expansion Joints.
Proceedings of a Symposium
on Downdrag of Piles.
A Study of the AASHO Road
Test—Final Summary Report;
Phase 2— Evaluation and
Application of the AASHO
Road Test Results.
Correlation of Pavement
Behavior and Performance
Between the University of
Illinois Test Track and the
AASHO Road Test.
Pavement Design and
Performance Study; Phase B—
Deflection Study: Interim
Report No. 5, Nuclear
Measurement of Subgrade
PB 231998 Creep and Shrinkage Study of
Concrete Made from Hawaiian
Aggregates — Phase II.
Stock No.
Application of Electro-osmosis
to Marginal Soils.
The Effect of Sodium Chloride
on the Corrosion of Concrete
Reinforcing Steel and on the
pH of Calcium Hydroxide
Solution—Interim Report.
Technical Control of Sulfate
Waste Materials at the Transpo
EA Ze oite!
Structure Backfill Testing.
Behavior of Shrinkage-
Compensating Concretes
Suitable for Use in Bridge
Decks — Interim Report, Phase].
Investigation of Lime Slurry to
Control Absorptive Aggregates
Used in Asphalt Concrete.
Traffic Stripes and Formed-in-
Place Delineators.
Electrical Resistivity
Arkansas Waste in Municipal
Areas Suitable for Highway
Construction or
Maintenance —Final Report.
The Location and Potential
Highway Use of By-Products in
Arkansas—Final Report.
Experimental Cathodic
Protection of a Bridge Deck.
Bridge Deck Membranes —
Evaluation and Use in
California—Interim Report.
First Progress Report on
Concrete Experimental Test
Sections in Brazos County, Tex.
Wet Night Visibility— Interim
Accelerated Environmental
PB 231243
PB 231388
PB 231649
PB 231908
PB 231965
id ay ok Lede
Stock No.
PB 228421
PB 228423
PB 228516
PB 2o350
PB 229886
be 229903
PB 230047
PB 230448
PB 230760
PB 230761
PB 230762
PB 230763
Paint Characterization by
Electrical Techniques.
Refinement of Moisture
Calibration Curves for Nuclear
Failure Modes and Required
Properties in Asphalt-
Aggregate Cold Mix Bases.
Evaluation of Interior and
Exterior Latex Paints.
Design Considerations for
Asphalt Pavements.
Skid Resistance and Wear
Properties of Aggregates for
Paving Mixtures.
Freeway Operations Study —
Phase Ill. The FREQ3 Freeway
Optimization Techniques
Applied to Improving
Freeway Operations.
Meaning and Application of
Color and Arrow Indications
for Traffic Signals —Final
Report and Appendices.
Diagrammatic Guide Signs for
Use on Controlled Access
Highways: Volume II —
Laboratory, Instrumented
Vehicle, and State Traffic
Studies of Diagrammatic
Guide Signs.
The Improved Effectiveness of
Traffic Signal Systems:
Conventional Signal Network
Timing Strategies.
Information Lead Distance
Studies — Electronic Route
Guidance Systems.
Computer Control of the
Wayside-Telephone Arterial
Street Network.
The Improved Effectiveness of
Traffic Signal Systems:
Effects of Changes in Signal
Operation on Traffic Flow.
Network Flow Simulation for
Urban Traffic Control
System — Phase II.
Vol. 1— Technical Report.
Vol. 2— Program
Documentation for UTCS-1
Network Simulation Model,
Part |.
Vol. 3—Program
Documentation for UTCS-1
Network Simulation Model,
Part Il.
Vol. 4— User's Manual for
UTCS-1 Network Simulation
PB 230764
PB 230996
RB 23105
PB 231077
PB 231086
PB 231161
Vol. 5—Applications Manual
for UTCS-1 Network
Simulation Model.
Right Turn on Red.
Feasibility Investigation of
Audio Modes for Real-Time
Motorist Information in Urban
Freeway Corridors.
Cost Effectiveness Evaluation
of Freeway Design
Alternatives — Freeway
Operations Study, Phase II].
Development of a Model for
Predicting Travel Time on an
Urban Freeway.
Dallas Corridor Frontage Road
Evaluation Plan.
Progress Toward a Freeway
Corridor Model— Freeway
Operations Study, Phase III.
Stock No.
PB 228517
PB 229334
PB 229605
PB 229610
PBEZ2 3030
PB 230995
PB 231074
PB 231104
PB 23 1387
PB 231583
PB 231889
Summary and Assessment of
Sizes and Weights Report.
Evaluation of a Method of Fog
Dispersal by lonization.
Hydraulic Performance of
Pennsylvania Highway
Drainage Inlets Installed in
Grassed Channels (Type H,
Type 4-ft and 6-ft).
Lensed Rail Lights for
Pavement Illumination.
Procedures and Materials for
Roadside Development in
Montana. Interim Report:
Dryland Sodding with Native
Grasses for Permanent Erosion
Hydraulic Performance of
Bridges — Efficiency of Earthen
Spur Dikes in Mississippi.
Species Recommended for
Highway Plantings Selected
from a Natural Vegetation
Survey in the Panhandle of
Stabilizing Disturbed Areas
During Highway Construction
for Pollution Control.
A Minimum-Cost and
Environmentally-Safe Program
of Herbicide Maintenance for
Indiana Roadsides.
Manual of Procedures for
Conducting Studies of the
Desirable Limits of
Dimensions and Weights of
Motor Vehicles.
A Simplified Procedure for
Computing Vehicle
Offtracking on Curves.
Colorado Tunnel Ventilation
Stock No.
PB 228448 Determination of the
PB 228449
PB 228473
PB 228511
PB 228572
PB 228656
PB 229824
PB 230381
PB 230497
PB 231018
PB 231159
PB 231382
PB 231552
PB 231818
PB 231890
PB 231891
Stock No.
PB 228997
PB 231168
PB 231594
Feasibility of Using Southern
Pine Veneer Log Cores as Posts
for Fencing Highway
Projects—Final Report.
An Investigation into the
Gradation Variability of
Aggregate Used in Bases.
Modern Concepts for Density
Phase |: Bituminous Wearing
Tunnel Cleaning Method.
Construction Control of Rigid
Pavement Roughness —Final
Recordation of Quantities of
Materials Incorporated in Base
and Pavement Plant
Mixtures—Final Report,
Phase II.
Microwave Heating for Road
Modification and Calibration
of the Illinois Skid Test
Skid-Resistant Characteristics
of Experimental Bituminous
Surfaces in Illinois.
Variation of the Results of
Routine Concrete Tests Using
Standard and Accelerated
Curing Methods.
Modern Concepts for Density
Control— Phase II:
Granular Base Courses.
Variations in Portland Cement
Concrete Construction in
Modern Concepts for Density
Control— Phase II:
Embankment Materials.
Texas Crash Cushion Trailer.
Bridge Rating and Analysis
Structural System (BRASS).
Vol. |.—System Reference
Vol. 1l—Example Problems.
Studies of Optimal Models of
Interchange Development
Through Land Use Regulation
and Control.
Test and Evaluation of Data
from the Standard Package of
Census Data for Urban
Transportation Studies.
Design of an Information
System for Continuing
Transportation Planning in the
Albuquerque Metropolitan
*U.S. Government Printing Office: 1974—620-830/4
ember 1974 e PUBLIC ROADS
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